
two quick topics because i just got to vent and everyone is away or asleep.

anyone watch the pres debate? when watching it i liked how everytime kerry mentioned how the only thing that was protected by the army in iraq was the oil and not the nuclear or chemical plants bush didn't make any comments back about that he didn't try to rebut the statement.

and my second ramble why do i keep trying at having any type of relation with a girl that is out of my league and muslim i mean she can't even date i'm a fool truely just a really lame fool. eh i'll keep trying i mean if it works out then wooooowhoooo i scored me a perfect woman.
first topic: and, what do ya think... its BUSH

second topic: cause shes your perfect woman... although you probably think of her that way because she is so hard to get... trophy bitch i say TROPHY.
1> I thought Kerry did quite well. Bush didn't screw up quite as much as I had hoped for, but he still managed to sound like an idiot as usual. However, he did manage to stick to his one piece of rhetoric pretty nicely ('Kerry is a flip-flopper', 'Wrong war, wrong time, right.. um I mean wrong place') etc... is that all it takes to win an election? I did like how he almost said the wrong thing several times and then corrected himself at the last minute (ie.. 'we want to foster a culture of fe... freedom'), and how he actually did say the wrong thing a couple times ('of course we're going after Saddam Hussein... I mean bin Laden'). Kind of painful to watch, but hopefully Kerry will be up a few points by the time the debates are over.

2> What can I say, I know how you feel - it's difficult pursuing a relationship across cultures sometimes, but if she cares for you, it can work out against all the odds.
Well, considering that a large and vociferous part of the nation has effectively stated that to Bush, apparently it shouldn't have any effect at all. But maybe he's right - we wouldn't want to be sending mexed missages, after all.
That deer-in-the-headlights moment after Kerry said that he would hunt down and kill the terrorists spoke volumes to me about what the Bush campaign was (not) expecting from this. I got the impression that Bush was using stump speech tactics, and it just didn't suit the debate against a strong opponent like Kerry.

I watched the debate, and while I couldn't care less about politics, I still enjoyed it.

I laughed at Bush, as you could tell he was getting uncomfortable.

Originally posted by it290@Oct 1, 2004 @ 03:55 PM

1> I thought Kerry did quite well.  Bush didn't screw up quite as much as I had hoped for, but he still managed to sound like an idiot as usual.  However, he did manage to stick to his one piece of rhetoric pretty nicely ('Kerry is a flip-flopper', 'Wrong war, wrong time, right.. um I mean wrong place') etc... is that all it takes to win an election?  I did like how he almost said the wrong thing several times and then corrected himself at the last minute (ie.. 'we want to foster a culture of fe... freedom'), and how he actually did say the wrong thing a couple times ('of course we're going after Saddam Hussein... I mean bin Laden').  Kind of painful to watch, but hopefully Kerry will be up a few points by the time the debates are over.

Typical bias opinion as always, it290.

Yes, Kerry appeared more in control of the debate, and Bush seemed like he didn't want to be there (or was tired)... But Kerry did not provide anything new. In fact, Kerry just made more of the same. He never provided any clear plans for Iraq. He never explained how he would do things better than Bush.

The President had many opportunities to pound on Kerry, but he didn't. He was on the defensive. I couldn't believe it. Very disappointing. Though, I don't think it hurt him much.

Kerry is a master debater, and he probably won this debate (it's too soon to tell yet)... But don't underestimate Bush... Remember, the same thing happened when Bush debated Gore in 2000. But who won those debates in the end?? Bush did.

Now, I understand that Kerry is your man, and you wont find any faults in him even though he has been inconsistent. He is an opportunist who changes his position depending on current events. Whenever a soldier dies in Iraq, he uses that against Bush... Like he just wants the Us to fail in Iraq.
Originally posted by President Bush

My concerns about the Senator is that, in the course of this campaign I've been listening very carefully to what he says, and he changes positions on the war on Iraq. It's a -- changes positions on something as ff -- fundamental as what you believe in your core, in your heart of hearts is right for -- in Iraq. I -- you cannot lead if you send mexed miss -- mixed messages.

Don't want to be sending no mexed missages now, do we? 😉
Originally posted by Supergrom@Oct 1, 2004 @ 11:16 PM

did it bother anyone else that bush just kept saying the same thing? ("what does it say to the troops and our allies if we say this is the wrong war? we need to be resolute etc. etc." I tend to agree with him, but he stated it at least 5 times.)

[post=120176]Quoted post[/post]​

You would vote for one candiate just because of that? Hhahahahahaha!!! That's hilarious!!!

Bush repeated himself a lot, not just with those quote... though Kerry did the same, except he handled it in a effective way. He changed the wording.

And there is no maybe... whethere you are a democrat, independent, republican, etc. Bush statement is right. You cannot send mixed messages to the troops. It does not matter who is command.. things like that just can't be said.
Lyzel, if by 'typical biased opinion', you mean typical of everyone, then yes, I agree... can anyone claim to have a truly unbiased opinion, espcially when it comes to matters like these?

As for Kerry, I disagree with him on a number of issues, so it's not accurate to say I won't find faults. But do you honestly believe he wants the country to fail in Iraq? Did you even listen to his remarks? One of his main points was that the course Bush is pursuing is incorrect, and that he wants to alter our Iraq strategy to a more viable one. And if you want to talk about using the soldiers for political gain, isn't that exactly what Bush has done? All his macho bullshit and cultivated image of 'toughness' aren't doing our soldiers any good. Do you really think 'bring them on' is the kind of attitude that helps to keep the troops alive?

edit- I don't know if you noticed, but Supergrom didn't say he was basing his vote off that one thing. However, it seems Bush is using Kerry's 'flip-flopping' as the basis for his whole campaign, and that seems to be the only issue most Republicans will immediately bring up - including yourself. Personally, I don't have a problem with a leader changing their mind after learning new information, although I do agree that some of Kerry's shifts have been politically motivated. But if his sins are so grevious, what do you think about this article?
And there is no maybe... whethere you are a democrat, independent, republican, etc. Bush statement is right. You cannot send mixed messages to the troops. It does not matter who is command.. things like that just can't be said.

Soldiers don't give up their citizenship when they put on the uniform. They deserve the truth as much as anyone else, no matter how uncomfortable it might be. And the truth is that this war is not going according to the original plan, and this administration doesn't know or won't tell us where it's headed. You say that Kerry never laid out an Iraq plan, never explained how he was going to do better than Bush. Where's Bush's explanation of how he'll do better than he has since he landed on that aircraft carrier? Where's his explanation of how we'll win the peace in Fallujah and Sadr City? It's not there, chiefly because Bush won't admit that anything ever went wrong. This wasn't supposed to happen. We were never supposed to be in the position we are in today. Iraq was supposed to be a free and secure nation, not flypaper for terrorists. And Bush sails along as though everything's going according to plan.
Originally posted by Lyzel@Oct 2, 2004 @ 02:11 AM

Typical bias opinion as always, it290.

...CUT to shorten huge quote...

Whenever a soldier dies in Iraq, he uses that against Bush... Like he just wants the US to fail in Iraq.

[post=120213]Quoted post[/post]​

Ummm, i thought the election was a bias choice, YOUR CHOICE. Yeah thats why we vote. Also Kerry IS anti war. seems this seems that. EH. Im still surprised though that no one has bitched to much about him once being in the communist party. Thats why i like him personally. 😀

He is an opportunist who changes his position depending on current events.

and i like that... it means our soon to be president stays up to date on current events and takes them into consideration. We are fickle people, our moods change and sway on a daily basis depending on what new news we have heard. So the guy is just attempting to cover bases.
Originally posted by John Kerry

I'm fascinated by rap and hip-hop. I think there's a lot of poetry in it. There's a lot of anger, a lot of social energy in it. And I think you'd better listen to it pretty carefully, cause it's important.

I've had a hard time taking a single thing Kerry says seriously after he made this comment. I think Kerry's flip-flopping is 40% reacting to new information and 60% bending over for whoever he needs votes from that day.
Originally posted by it290@Oct 2, 2004 @ 01:46 AM

Lyzel, if by 'typical biased opinion', you mean typical of everyone, then yes, I agree... can anyone claim to have a truly unbiased opinion, espcially when it comes to matters like these?
[post=120218]Quoted post[/post]​

I'm relatively unbiased. So I get to watch both sides say stupid things and watch their respective backers ignore the mistakes their own candidate made during the debate.

(playing devil's advocate) Or did Kerry's OWN bin laden/saddam mixup slip your mind? What about passing the global test before acting, what if they don't like what you have planned? Do you not do anything?

Also, am I the only one who noticed that Kerry actually berated the president for not "xraying cargo holds" of ships? What, is he going to construct a giant seafaring boat-xraying device? :huh He'd better shape it like a giant duck and give it a loud quack quack alarm if it detects any metal. 😀
Originally posted by it290@Oct 2, 2004 @ 03:56 PM

Uh, could you please explain what exactly is wrong with that comment, please?

[post=120250]Quoted post[/post]​

:huh: Are you serious? You actually believe John Kerry likes rap or respects rappers to any extent? I'm not even going to participate in this conversation anymore. I'm going to take John F. Kerry's advice, and fuck some of my hos and then beat the shit out of them, then right some poetry about said events. :sarcasm:
I think Kerry was trying to maybe say there is alot more to hip hop and rap then banging and beating hoes...

oh and there IS alot more to it then that. maybe not your trivial one hit wonder hip hop artists. But some do have valid points in their music. And this can be considered some what unbias for the fact i dont listen to any hip hop except that one song by that group that i cant remember the name of... oh yeah (had to ask roommate) Outkast... they kinda funny.
Originally posted by it290@Oct 2, 2004 @ 06:46 AM

Lyzel, if by 'typical biased opinion', you mean typical of everyone, then yes, I agree... can anyone claim to have a truly unbiased opinion, espcially when it comes to matters like these?

I would vote for Kerry if he stick to his guns, but it is worrisome that he may have a change of view tomorrow.

But do you honestly believe he wants the country to fail in Iraq?
Have you watched any of the ads from DNC referencing all the negativity in Iraq? Over 1000 soldiers dead. Continuing beheadings, etc.?

How can you use stuff like that?! Do you want to win that bad that you need to stoop that low level to get people to vote for you?

Did you even listen to his remarks?  One of his main points was that the course Bush is pursuing is incorrect, and that he wants to alter our Iraq strategy to a more viable one.

Are you kidding?? What did he offerred? He bullshitted. He said nothing. He just spinned the question.

And if you want to talk about using the soldiers for political gain, isn't that exactly what Bush has done?   All his macho bullshit and cultivated image of 'toughness' aren't doing our soldiers any good.  Do you really think 'bring them on' is the kind of attitude that helps to keep the troops alive?

How can you see this as politics?? To me, all I see is the Comander in Chief giving a morale booster to our soldiers. You do not feel good when you say "Bring it On!"?? Stop taking things out of context. Not all things are for politics points.

Bush is using Kerry's 'flip-flopping' as the basis for his whole campaign, and that seems to be the only issue most Republicans will immediately bring up - including yourself.

I'm not a Republican nor a Democrat. You disagree that this is not the case with Kerry?? I think any party would use this to their advantage when it is so noticeable. This is a serious flaw on Kerry.

  Personally, I don't have a problem with a leader changing their mind after learning new information

I agree with that, but you're spinning this now. I'm sure Bush would react the same way.

But if his sins are so grevious, what do you think about

this article?

:puke: Please don't use trash from a disgraceful news media to make your points. With all it's Bush-bashing of late... It's difficult to accept it's news reporting as unbiased.

I never said that Bush did not flip-flops. I think all politicians do by events at that time.
How can you see this as politics?? To me, all I see is the Comander in Chief giving a morale booster to our soldiers. You do not feel good when you say "Bring it On!"??

The big problem is that the people he's saying "bring it on" to are not going to attack him, but rather the brave men and women who volunteered to fight for our country, as well as those Iraqis brave enough to support a democratic government. How is it a morale booster for our soldiers and civilian allies when Bush stands there half a world away and goads extremists into attacking them? Bush is not the troops. The troops need and deserve our support. Bush can live without it.

Please don't use trash from a disgraceful news media to make your points

Please don't use pointless ad hominem attacks to make your points.
Originally posted by ExCyber@Oct 3, 2004 @ 02:10 AM

The big problem is that the people he's saying "bring it on" to are not going to attack him, but rather the brave men and women who volunteered to fight for our country, as well as those Iraqis brave enough to support a democratic government. How is it a morale booster for our soldiers and civilian allies when Bush stands there half a world away and goads extremists into attacking them? Bush is not the troops. The troops need and deserve our support. Bush can live without it.

He is the President, the Commander in Chief of the US Military. He has every right to say that. No matter where he's at.

It's just like you said.