Remember to update windows....


Staff member
I come across alot of clients who NEVER update windows either because they don't know how to or never knew about it.

Just a freindly reminder to update your windows machine. Usually a few updates come out each month. :cheers
And if you upgrade to XP or 2000, download the the latest service pack first. My dad upgraded his pc from ME to XP. Since he didn't have the newest service pack, he got sasser as soon as he would connect to the internet.
Originally posted by racketboy@Jun 9, 2004 @ 03:04 PM

XP has auto update too -- nice if you have broadband especialy

Except when it goes horribly awry and installs an update that causes a given machine to now refuse to load Windows. Yes, I've seen it, and yes it was very impressive. But I'm going to assume it is very rare.

That reminds me, has anyone successfully updated sound drivers from windows update? A lot of people I know have tried it once, only to have it break their sound, and I always have to inform them that you shouldn't get drivers from Microsoft for a non-MS piece of hardware.
i would when i used onboard sound. just made it easier to get the driver then instead of trudging thru the motherboards site. except with my recent 1ghz overclock my onboard no longer works and im back to a pci card 😀
never updated drivers through update

all I usually do is the critical update stuff

then I'll update drivers through the manufact site after a long while or when something goes wrong
Originally posted by Alexvrb@Jun 9, 2004 @ 01:52 PM

Except when it goes horribly awry and installs an update that causes a given machine to now refuse to load Windows. Yes, I've seen it, and yes it was very impressive. But I'm going to assume it is very rare....

I've had that happen too. I had just installed XP Pro and downloaded all the updates. One of them screwed everything up, and I had to reformat and install windows again.
one thing i DO hate and i think it happens after you put in sp1 or one of the updates after that. when you turn on your pc, regardless if your the only user or not you still have to go through the "select user" screen. that pisses me off. im the only user. i shouldnt have to click on my one and only name just to get the pc running.
I always have multiple users on XP

I hate having other people mess with my stuff -- especially when I have videos being processed or like 50 scanned pages open in Photshop
You should always have multiple users on 2k\xp. One user is the admin account, rest are regular users. You'd be suprised at how much less trouble the average user would run into by not always running as Admin. (of course no one, including myself, actually follows this advice :lol: )
Exactly -- I'd do it more often on 2K, but the user switching is much more of a pain. I think that's my favorite XP feature