
Ristar is a favorite of mine. Very fun game. I love the music, especially from stage 2-2.

Just did some research



Tomoko Sasaki

She's from Sonic Team but I don't know if all or part of ST did Ristar. I know some internal Sega team did.
How do you guys sleep at night never having heard of ristar? It is only one of the best platformers up there. It's the beeatch. Go buy it now, some people even say it rivals sonic, which I can completely see.
Well i played it for a while today on the emu,the game looks awesome :agree .I´d say it´s a very good platformer :hehehe:
Well it is a great game, but I wish that it did not make an appearance on the Sonic classics for the Game Cube. I was hoping for more sonic games, like Sonic CD, Knuckles Chaotix, and the like, not some none Sonic games.

Don't get me wrong it is a great game that I enjoy to play, but hearing the name of the game just triggers disapointment about the Sonic Collection for GC
Ristar was on the Sonic Mega Collection? That's pretty cool.

SMC would be a disappointment for me, as I already have Sonic Jam. But for those who never owned a Saturn it seems like a pretty nice collection.
It's on sonic classics because sonic was actually a re-made Ristar. Ristar was the original sonic plan but they decided to release ristar as it's own game and change it to sonic and release sonic in his own game so they are 2 different characters. It's hard to explain but all I'm saying is Ristar was the basis for sonic.