roomate sent this to me

i have to admit these people are complete dickheads. not the people who put this page up but the radio personalities mentioned in it. i mean i'm all for the free speach thing and i'll even give my life to keep it but come on the song is one of the most bullshit things i've heard. i'm not promoting the signing of the petition i'm not going to do that but thought i'd post this just for others to hear about it.
Okay, So I listened to it and the song sucked, and the DJ's were two black women yelling at each other. Sure, they deserve a nice fine and maybe a month off the air, but to be blacklisted for something that all other talk shows do isn't really fair.
They should be blacklisted just for having a really crappy show!

meh, wait that would be unfair. Eh, people get there panties in a bunch over some stupid junk. People say stupid shit all the time. Get the hell over it, change the stinkin' station. Pot movies offend the hell out of me, I despise watching pot humor, such as; Cheech and Chong, Half Baked, Dazed and Confused. I don't want these movies black listed, I don't think they should be banned from shelves. I just don't watch them.

Now one may be thinking, "but pot humor isn't racial/ethnically prejudice"

Ok, what about fat jokes, fat jokes are everywhere. Same with fag jokes and iraqi jokes. These people have to get over it.

Funny thing is, I bet these two women are the type to get flippin' mad when someone says n****r.
you can tell they would be see my thing is i didn't sign the petition because i believe everyone has the right to say what they want. i was just posting this to show how stupid people can be and say some really stupid shit on the radio. as a joke(note i'm not racist) i felt like emailing the personalities and saying something like "you stupid nigs couldn't even get your racial slurs right" just to have them go off on me about using a racist term.(basically because i like to point out hypocrites)
What lordofduct said struck me as being very acceptive, but also quite defeatist - as though it's just fine to let whoever makes stuff like this get away with it, as if there's nothing wrong.

Mind you, I tend to get annoyed at things which I personally view as wrong very easily, which may or may not be viewed as a good thing. :/

Originally posted by "joe81"

everyone has the right to say what they want

To a certain extent, I agree, of course - but I draw the line at blatantly offensive statements by people who think it is funny to take a pop at people, especially at such a terrible time, and especially in such a generalising way.
Not really defeatist... I believe if you can get away with something in one area why can't you with something else that is similar. This is rationalistic.... i believe in equality!

Here in america you can say a fat joke, fag joke, iraqi joke, french joke, all of these just as offensive as asian jokes. Everyone turns a blind eye to this though. Just because SE Asia has a tragedy we have to stop? Ummm, fat people commit suicide daily due to there weight. Is this not a tragedy? But the humor persists.

Its unruly and offensive to pick on someone in a tragedy, jews, african americans, now asians? Ummm, well first off the jew and black one is old. Oh my the Holocaust or slavery, get the hell over it. Yeah they were tragedy's... and I have to walk on egg shells around these SOB's while they call me cracker and nazi because I am german and shaved head? Bullshit, get over it, I deal with it, piss off, and fat people suck!

Seriousily I believe if we try this treat everyone nice BS it becomes defeatist. PEOPLE HATE OTHER PEOPLE! It is natural, we are afraid of the unknown. Some may be programmed, but others are just inherintly there. Hiding it is just bottling up this hate... we aren't going to get over it. Take for instance how much we have given back to the african american community still 130 years later.... Im still called cracker, they still pull the race card, bullshit. We are going to continue hating despite the smile, and they are going to continue being offended despite our politeness.

Just to let you know, this isn't some closeminded nihilistic retort... prejudice is prejudice, and when people take one look at me and consider me a annorexic nazi faggot drug addict whore, thats prejudice. A prejudgement of my character by looking at my natural demeanor. Just because I am skinny, have sunken in eyes, german, stand a little weird and know how to sew doesn't make me that. But then again I don't think these people should have to stop saying and assuming what they do. Even if it times it hurts, I say, eh, its LIFE, it sucks, the world shits on you daily. But you know I got my family at home, my vid games in my room, my education at school and so much more great things in my life that it just balances out. YEY! and sometimes the jokes are just funny!... everyone at my work thinks im gay, they pick fun at me for it, and some of the shit that spews out there mouth makes my jaw drop and frozen incapable of even laughing it's so hilarious, yet still an attack at my character. MEH!

I get em' back in there own right, and its fun!

and one final note.... i have been turned down from jobs for the fact that the people thought I was gay or a drug addict. Ok, will eliminate the outward projection of this feeling that they have, id then receive the job. But now I work with someone who hates me and will lie about hating me just so I don't get upset. HOW FAKE! I wouldn't wanna work there.

Okay then, that's me told.

Personally, I obviously view all of the things you mentioned as tragedies, sure - and I see your point about certain individuals of those groups holding unfair grudges. But I still try not to be offensive or disrespectful.

To be fair, race, while not a valid reason for discrimination, is not a person's fault. But in the majority of cases, being fat is a lot more avoidable. <_<

Anyway, I just find the lyrics which I saw to that song just plain wrong and it is my opinion that the song is just a slur and not a valid expression of opinion at all. I would sign the petition, if it would actually make people learn some respect and consideration.

I would voice my opinions about a lot of the things which bother me, if I could guarantee that it would make the slightest bit of difference. :blink:
And your opinions would make a difference. New information effects everyone in maybe a small amount, and sometimes a large way. Thats why I feel people should voice them all they want. You learn many new things about the world that way.

Also your being a respectful person is a great thing. It is your way of living, and I respect that. Others may not, but intuitively you should respect their opinion also being the respectful person you are. People are who they are, and can not be forced to be like you. The forcing others to think and act like a certain individual is a true revocation of rights. It is what has spawned some of the greatest tragedies. Holocaust, Spanish Inquisition, american revolution, american civil war, the list goes on.... all spawned out of people trying to convert others.

But persuasion on the other hand is cool, thats what speaking you personal opinion is. Its kind of a persuasion, "look this is how I feel, do you not think this is a pretty good idea? you may adapt my opinions to your own now" and vice versa

WOW, sorry, ive been up for a couple days, im in delirious rant mode.
Essentially, what I believe, is quoted from someone whom I cannot remember off the top of my head.

"The first amenment was built not to protect the speech you enjoy, but the speech you hate." Or something along those lines.
Originally posted by SkankinMonkey@Thu, 2005-01-27 @ 05:14 PM

Essentially, what I believe, is quoted from someone whom I cannot remember off the top of my head.

"The first amenment was built not to protect the speech you enjoy, but the speech you hate." Or something along those lines.

[post=128507]Quoted post[/post]​

Damn you, exactly what I wanted to say. That is a good quote.