RPG Maker Game Player

well, i was sit down here and thinking... is it possible to create an saturn rpg maker player? like... the user compiles his game on PC on the RPG Maker and then burn up a CD with the saturn player so it can play his game on the saturn?

if you dont know the rpg maker, take a look: rmxp.net/forums/index.php?showforum=90

sorry for my english :blush:
Originally posted by Gobli@Thu, 2006-02-09 @ 08:14 AM

well, i was sit down here and thinking... is it possible to create an saturn rpg maker player? like... the user compiles his game on PC on the RPG Maker and then burn up a CD with the saturn player so it can play his game on the saturn?

[post=144234]Quoted post[/post]​

Well I don't know anything about RPG maker. In general it would require source code for the player to be available, it's memory and cpu speed requirements to not exceed the possibilities of Saturn and someone willing to do it.

To be realistic: no!

Do you know fenix? That one could be possible, maybe.