S-Video.....any improvement?

Anyoneh ave S-video on their N64? It make the image quality a little better? Make it less blurry at all? It's my biggest gripe w/ the N64 and I'd like to fix it if at all possable...
I stumbled across this page about a month ago. For image quality, S-Video is twice as good as composite, and only second best to RGB.
hmmm, a good read. SO this would take away some of that horrably blurry-ness that gives you a headache if you play N64 too long?
Hehe, guess i'll have to break down and get one...still needa grab one for my saturn. My GCN and XBox have component though, so I got the expensive ones out of the way.
hmmm, well rgb is usually meant to be the euro square output...but component is the equivalent here. hmmmm, anyone know?
Yes the SCART plug ;P Component is just 3 plugs, 2 for audio and 1 for video isn´t it? Don´t you guys have SCART plugs in your TV´s? I know that US N64 outputs S-video so go for it all you have to do is buy a cable I think S-video is common in US TV´s here in Europe TV´s with S-video are very expensive we all have SCART.
component is our version of scart. 3 video plugins. you still use your red and white for audio 😛.

should have my s-video here soon. i'll let you all know how it goes...
hmmm got my cables in and tried them out....no noticable difference in picture quality whatsoever. I dunno if it's because of the cables or what (I got the ones from jandaman's). but ya, no noticable difference whatsoever. However my Saturn looks a lil more crisp with them.
MadCatz makes a decent universal S-video cord. It has hookups for Xbox, PS1/2, and Gamecube/N64/SNES. (Just wish it had one for Dreamcast, then I'd be all set.) There is a slight improvement in many games, but some others end up messed up due to poor graphics. I really don't reccommend trying SNES games through S-video at all.
BJammzz said:
Hehe, guess i'll have to break down and get one...still needa grab one for my saturn. My GCN and XBox have component though, so I got the expensive ones out of the way.

javascript:emoticon(':blink:') Was it worth 35 bucks? i was condidering getting one,
smilie but when i tried an off-brand s-video, my nintendo AV was way better.....