Saturn AV Cable


Established Member
Ho would one go about making this cable if you have the materials? I aquired 2 saturns but both dont have the av cables. thats all i need to get them working. arakon, you may be of some help
The Saturn 10-pin connector, while apparently a standard mini-DIN (tiny German standards organization?) connector, seems to be #### near impossible to find as far as I've seen. Are you sure you can get it?

As for the pinout, that can be found here.

edit: link was screwed

(Edited by ExCyber at 3:12 am on Mar. 21, 2002)
When he says connect it to the internals of the saturn, where exactly does he mean, it would be handy to have a permanently connected a/v cable.

This site has all the info you need to make one. I was actually looking into this because I have a full size arcade cab (4 actually ) I'm going to put my Saturn in. I allready did it with my Sega CD, Genesis, 32X, and Powerbase converter.
If I had thick enough wires, wouldnt I just be able to tie them into the plugs that they are supposed to be assigned to and then tie all that into the av out plugs?

There is a right way, and a wrong way to do things,...........................................................

That would be the wrong way. Did you check out the link? Make a trip to radio Shack for the things you need. Then cut an extra cable and splice the new connector on. Unless you have more than one Saturn, I wouldn't suggest making it a permanent fixture,........ You may get a big screen or something and want to hook it up there,..............
I meant a permanent hookup into the back of the saturn, I have 3 systems and I would actually like one to go into my arcade cabinet at a later date, but until that time i'd like to put it thru ####.
Quote: from Ratamahatta on 2:34 am on Mar. 22, 2002

When he says connect it to the internals of the saturn, where exactly does he mean, it would be handy to have a permanently connected a/v cable.

I think it refers to soldering directly to where the AV socket attaches to the PCB. It would take a little working out, but nothing major.