Saturn Cartridge

I,m Deceptioned.

I bought a cartridge Action Replay (4 in 1). However, i dont get play shining force sce 1 2 3. I would like play with my save game from cartridge but the game inform: "Not found".
You have to transfer the file to saturn memory from the cartridge. Games can not load or save from the cartridge.
Exactly, I have the same cartridge.

The Saturn is not able to access the data storage like for the Backup cartridge.
If you have a COMPLETE save file from Sc1 in internal memory, load the Sc2 game, choose Begin and it asks if you want to keep going from Sc1, just press C as it is always YES as default.

When you reach the priest for the 1st time, go to save but now erase the COMPLETE file and save you Sc2 data in internal memory. If you did this, you´ll get the correct events regarding what you did in Sc1..
Yes, You´ll have to do it the same way. Sc3 is the biggest of the three ( > 300 blocks )

If you plan on getting a save file for the Premium Disk, you´ll have to get a memory cartdridge
Medion, oops, Seijuro. I had to delete my sc1 COMPLETE save.But my Sc2 COMPLETE game save is already in my system. Can I start Sc3 without sc1 SAVE game but with sc2 COMPLETE game save?

PS: Shining Force is one the best saturn games. Congratulations! For Shining Force Central!
Yes, you can. Scenario 1 information is already 'saved' but that´s it if you continued with teh Sc1 save.

By what I understood, you have a Sc2 COMPLETE but that one was started without Sc2 DATA isn´t that right? If so, you won´t get for example, Spiriel as by default, she is killed on Sc1 battle... as well you won´t get the Justice Sword ( Save all refugees on Sc1 and 2? ) and you´ll get the sword on Sc3. I hope that was clear.

Of course, what you have done in Sc2 ( still without save from Sc1 ) will affect Sc3, like if you killed Stella or not..

Thanks, by the looks of it, Sc2 will be done about the end of summer or before, depending on legalize freedom and Atolm ( only translator )
Follow my actions:

1- I played SF sc1. Game terminated. Sc1 Complete.

2 - I played SF sc2 with COMPLETE game saved from sc1. Game terminated. Sc2 complete.

3 - An incident make me to delete my sc1 game save COMPLETED. But the sc2 game save COMPLETE still safe.

Can I ro play sc3 without sc1 game save?
Yes you can, because information is passed on from the save file, so what has happened in Sc1, is now saved on Sc2 COMPLETE.

Just do the same thing, when you finish Sc3, you have the chance to replay it again with the same events, ONLY this time, you´ll keep the stats when you finished and when you reach a "special" moment of the game, you´ll have the chance to build 2 of your characters ( this is a glitch, and you can do it again and again, after you replay ), which means you´ll start from Lv1 but with the same stats, you can get them maxed out this way.

Good Luck, I´m on Sc2 righ now with 46 hours, doing the last Chapter now :ridinghorse:
Thanks for all Seijuro.

Good luck for Shining Force Central.

Tell us when translations for sc3 still completed and with patch for ISO.