Saturn controller, Kashi's design

Hi all,

I tried to use Kashi's schematic to build a saturn controller, but as SaturnAR noted, it doesn't work. Could anyone say why this is, and how to make it work? A working link to SaturnAR's design would be great too.

Nevermind, got it. SaturnAR's stuff is here.

The problem with Kashi's design is that pins 3 and 14 on the upper chip need to be held low, not high - this is how the Saturn detects that a pad is connected. Also, the naming for the pins on the connector is completely wrong, but that becomes irrelevant.

I don't have a PIC burner, so I won't be trying that.... my goal was to get an arcade stick working on saturn, and the controller board works well enough for that.

There's one problem though. If more than 3 or 4 buttons are pressed at once, it stops responding completely. All controls must be released, then it goes back to normal. Any idea what's causing this?