Saturn Covers

As you know the Sega Saturn cover place is down since a week or there any other source to get good saturn cover scans?

Too bad the site is down,because it was the only one i know that was still beeing updated.

I allready know of the Sega Cover Library but it hasn't been updatetd for ages...
I know that the vgmuseum has scans too,but it can't compare to the Sega Saturn cover place....well i will have to wait till that place goes online back again..thanks anyway!
Does VG museums Sonic 3D blast fit in a saturn case ? I bought my copy of Sonic 3d blast without a cover (but the manual and disc was mint) I'm low on printer ink and I don't want a giant scan that wont fit in my case. Oh, I only want the NTSC one not the pal one thank you. 🙂
I'm scanning some of my saturn stuff (covers, backs, booklets, CD's) and eventually I'll post them somewhere...but my scanner is old, i'm trying to get good quality scans...and it's taking about 20min. just for one game's instruction book!! I'll post something when I get them all done...But I only have about 10-15 games worth of stuff so don't get your hopes up to high...
you could also probably create a template in word or excel or even publisher and that way you'll be able to easily resize the cover image to fit your saturn cd cases in the future. I've seen a few on the web for regular cd cases that I have used to resize cover scans for games I have downloaded. Give it a try. If it works, maybe you could post it to an ftp or two.
Hey what you can do too, is buy ALL known saturn games remove the covers (throw those gamecd's away, you'll be playing with a cdr, am I right) and glue the cover on the front of a cd case (the cover is too big I guess, unless you buy Jap Saturn games!!!) or else cut off the excess cover-paper(likesubstance).

And voilá, c'est magnifique a puuurfect saturn case for your viewing puleasureeee!!

No don't thank me I'm just doing it for the community!
WOW!! We are truely blessed with the presence of last years Einstien award winner. What an incredible stroke of luck for us all. OH!? Is that a limp your developing?