Saturn development

Can someone help me with some tutorials or anything like that for saturn development? I make a google search but I nothing useful was listed. <_<

I have some PC programming experience and I think that to develop some simple demos for Saturn will be fun.

Any links for a absolute Saturn newbie will be apreciated. :)
Thanks. There are lots of good info there but I can't make the PDFs open in my ACROBAT reader. It says 'file don't start with %pdf' (in 4.0) or 'file is corrupted' (AR 6.0)

I see that there is the '.bz2' extension in the end of the names of the PDF files. I need some plug-in to open them?
They are compressed with bzip2. Both WinRAR and WinAce can open them if you're afraid of the commandline.
Saturn dev isn't very difficult because we're using heavy libraries, if you know C and somewhat saturn hardware info, you're all set.. so there isn't any tutorial other than 'documentation'. :devil
I downloaded the SGL tutorial and from what I see it is good to set the stage for a newbie, apparently the main problem is to learn the features of the libraries used and the resources of the machine. Saturn dev looks very interesting.

This will be my first try at console development so I hope to get at least a spinning cube in some weeks. :)
Where can I get a copy of this file: "Saturn Programming Manual vol. 2 : VDP1 User´s Manual.pdf'?

The one I downloaded at the Saturn dev page was corrupt: "unexpected end of file"