Saturn disk reading problems

Lately I have been playing through Panzer Dragoon Saga (for the first time) and have been noticing increasing loading problems. Often times after playing the game for a short while, I will load the map, or go through a menu, or sometimes even when it is loading to go to the save screen or battle, the screen freezes on either a white or black screen. The music continues playing in the background but nothing else changes, and the result is that after a bit of time it boots me back out to the Saturn BIOS menu and it doesn't recognize the disk. I've noticed this error on both burned and legitimate games so I'm under the assumption that the laser or drive is burning out.

Is there anything I can do save buying a brand new modded Saturn? If not, I'd be willing to buy another.
You can always turn the yellow potentiometer under the laser lens to increase the laser output "but" you have to do it at your own risk because it may help or it may worsten the situation if you don't know the right procedure goodluck!!