Saturn nuked? Please help!

Some time ago, I posted here on how to get an AR 4in1 cart to work.

Well, after some time, I realized that some pins were in the wrong place, short-circuiting the unit. For some odd reason, I had to connect the AR in order to operate my saturn. If it was missing the screen was blank, but it kept working!

Now, I re-attempted to make it work, but when I removed the cart and connected it (saturn turned off, ofcourse!) it shows the logo of the saturn and then goes blank. If I put a cd, it does the same. Looking at the cart slot, the left side is messed up so bad, I can't re-attach the pins back.

Is my Saturn nuked now, or can I fix it by changing the slot with a new one? (by the way, can I get one on-line? I can't find it, or should I visit an electronics store?)
I'm not honestly sure how likely it is you will be able to fix your Saturn. However I do believe there are some users that visit here that sell Saturn parts.
Sounds like you need a new motherboard for your console. I have 3, but they are all USA NTSC boards. Not sure how well they would work for you plus the cost of shipping + the board might end up being more than finding another one.