Saturn to SD Card


Staff member
just to mention cafe-alpha devblog :) this looks really promising.
At that time, I connected a SD card to my second pad port on my Saturn and could read files successfully. However, file write sometimes failed ... I thought about many possible causes of failures (not enough 3.3V power supply ? Bad luck ? etc etc), but it was a software bug : writing sectors to SD card actually takes longer than reading sectors, and I didn't waited enough for my SD card to finish write.
Changing poll timeout count from 500 clocks to 50000 clocks seems to fix the problem. (Q&D fix, but if it works fine, I won't change it

So now, as SD card read/write access works on both yabause and real hardware, it is time to to use it in order to develop new features for my Saturn
Thank you for the announcement here !

However, it is not a high-spec super fast solution, because all SPI communication with SD card is done on SH-2 side. So transfer speed should be something like 50KB/s-ish (maybe, I didn't measured).

Special thanks to antime ! This SD card project is made from USB dev cart project sources :)

PS : it seems that latest PCB prototype (pre-release) is lost somewhere between PCB house and my home ... So I will use something else than DHL next time I order a PCB ...
That's a shame about the PCB, cafe-alpha =(. Otherwise, it sounds like a great advancement in Saturn cartridge technology =D.
That's a shame about the PCB, cafe-alpha =(. Otherwise, it sounds like a great advancement in Saturn cartridge technology =D.

Yeah, finally I re-ordered one batch, with super expensive UPS this time :/
I hope PCB house will be kind enough to re-send lost PCBs.
another big news :
Additional testing of my test cartridge showed that Shining Force scenario 3 was "working" well when using memory expander hack

By "working", I mean that game was working fine (no freeze, black screen whatever) while looking for save data on SD card.
I didn't verified if save data was consistent or not, this can be verified and eventually fixed later

more details :