SCD Power Consumption Question


Just wondering if the Sega CD / Mega CD draws power from the Genesis / Megadrive through the expansion port at all and if so, how much?

The reason why i ask is that i am replacing the fuse in my Sega CD (thanks JMT) as it wont power on. I am using a 9v 200mA regulated PSU to power the Genesis and the proper 9V 1.2A for the Sega CD. I am curious as to whether the power running to the Genesis could infact be the reason why the Sega CD isn't operational.

The genesis is able to power supply little things throught the Extention port.

But sinc the segacd is a huge extention, it needs a adaptator.

I noticed that :

The genesis extention port power supply is just used to recharge the backup batteries.

IE: When you don't power on your genny (to play a segacd or genesis game), the segacd battries are no more recharged.

Hope it answer you question.
Originally posted by Berty@Sep 17, 2004 @ 06:41 AM

The reason why i ask is that i am replacing the fuse in my Sega CD (thanks JMT) as it wont power on. I am using a 9v 200mA regulated PSU to power the Genesis and the proper 9V 1.2A for the Sega CD. I am curious as to whether the power running to the Genesis could infact be the reason why the Sega CD isn't operational.

I am amazed that your Genesis will run with that adapter. Standard Genesis PSU's are 0.85A, more than four times what you've got. I would recommend getting a replacement if only to avoid the risk of damage in the future.

Not to mention, it could be that the Genesis is sucking power from the SegaCD, and that that is causing some weird imbalance. I could very easily be wrong, however. I really don't know much about the hardware in this case.