Secret game question...

I heard that there is a hidden multiplayer game in Duke Nukem 3d for Saturn. I also heard that you needed a Quake save file to acces it.

I don´t have any of those two games.

Does anyone have any info or screenshots about that game?
i used the quake save to access dt in my game but i hear theres a way for people without quake to access it in Duke. you gotta shoot EVERY toilet. odd, but true.
Death Tank Zwei is the 2nd best multiplayer game for the Saturn, the first being Saturn Bomberman of course.

It's like the old pc game tank wars or scorched earth.
Quote: from IceMan2k on 4:25 pm on Nov. 7, 2001

It's like the old pc game tank wars or scorched earth.

SCORCHED EARTH!! Man I loved that game. I was bummed when he decided not to add modem support. Might have to get DN and Quake just to see this game!