Sega Manuals!

Funny you ask that hehe ... I was planning in scanning, for the US manual of the Dreamcast its available on the SEGA site among games too, next week I´ll try scanning my Saturn HST-0004 manual so that model its covered ;) I can scan some of my games manuals too if thats what your looking for.
I've got the User's Guide for my Model 2 Sega CD, the manual for my Model 2 Saturn, and various game manuals. I think a couple of basic guidelines should be laid down. I'll leave conversion to pdf up to you when I start scanning them in, but approx what resolution/format do you want the images in? Do you want every page to be a seperate image (pages 1+2, should I just scan them in as one image, or cut it into two)?
Originally posted by IceMan2k@May 6, 2004 @ 04:12 PM

Still going to send me those manuals guys?

Need some sort of basic guideline. If left to my own devices I tend to err on the side of small.
Whoa, well if that is your requirement, I am apparently on the high side. Well, not really, since the SCD manual is grayscale. I let the scanner grab it at whatever pixels it wanted to at 300 dpi, auto crop it, and then I grayscaled, downsized (by about half) and compressed them (slightly).

The original size of the manual is 10.25" x 7.25". I don't know if that matters, but the info is there for when you use Adobe PDFerizer on it. I'll try and email it, tell me if you get it.