Sega Power Supply

How do I operate a Genesis/Megadrive at 12 Volt?

Originally the Network adapter operates 10 Volt 1.2 Ampere and 12 VA

What do I need to do to operate it with an input Voltage of 12 Volt?

Means which additional circuit do i need to add?
you would need to add a small circuit with some caps and a voltage regulator.. that regulator would have to support 2A.
Whats a voltage regulator? Is that an impedance matching transformer?

What for do I need the caps? To smooth peaks in the current flow?

Wouldn't it work by just adding an additional resistor to the circuit?
the caps are for filtering/smoothing.

a voltage regulator is a voltage regulator.. it takes a higher voltage as input and outputs a stable different voltage.. it's usually a black, square part with 3 legs and a metal piece with a hole, which sometimes needs to be attached to a heatsink depending on the amperage it has to process.
Mhh, so the gennesis has two voltage regulators put on a aluminium cooler plate?

If it's that, I know what they look like then, they usually have screwholes to attach them to the cooler plate?

I searched the net but couldn't find a propriate circuit.

I want to connect the the genny to my pc powersupply, for I kinda like the idea of a Teradrive or Sega Computer I came across in another thread of this forum.