If you're going to crash a party, know what you're getting into, or atleast know someone who is there... don't, DON'T decide to crash a party you find on the whim, after a few minutes freakin with chick's you've never seen before, the well shimmery bag like shirt clad mc will approach you and kick your "freeloading ass bitch" out.
I was about to throw down too.
edit: And Jim993, is it tasteful going to last year's class Prom? I didn't go when I was a senior last year sadly, I know a girl who is a senior this year, and I was thinking about going with her...
did you get weird looks from any teachers who were there that knew who you were?
and did you pay to get in?
I'm afraid of all the people I know, saying, holy sh*t, isn't that frenchie?
(Edited by Nadius at 11:26 pm on Feb. 12, 2002)