Shining The Holy Ark in PDX thrift store

For any Saturn game hunters looking for this game, I saw it today at the Goodwill off Grand Ave in Portland, Oregon. They have the game in the front display. It's missing the front cover I think - it's marked at $7.50.
Hmmm... I thought I saw this already on someone's FTP. I figured somebody might just want the original, too. I didn't buy it because, heresy of heresies, I don't really dig console RPG's.

If someone can confirm it's not on any of the available FTP's I'll pick it up and rip it.

I actually live about a mile away from that location, I think. It's the one near near the hawthorne bridge, or is it the one on 122nd?

Actually, i've got the game. LOL, maybe I'll let you borrow it or something or I can make a burn of it 😛

(Edited by morey at 11:18 pm on Jan. 15, 2002)
It's the one near near the hawthorne bridge, or is it the one on 122nd?

Morey - Yep, it's the one near the Hawthorne Bridge.

LOL, maybe I'll let you borrow it or something or I can make a burn of it 😛

If you'd like to trade Saturn stuff (or DC?) for archival purposes ;p give me an email (address is in my profile). I live in the Brooklyn neighborhood just southeast of the Ross Island Bridge.