first of all let me intoduce myself as some what of an... EXTREME SONIC FAN.
as in yeah i got all the games and completed them to state of total completion etc etc
so anyways i've noticed that alot of people seem to love sonic cd but i found it quite shit apart from the title screen.
bosses had some nice animation but thats about it.
im interested if anyone would like to comment about why they like it so much
(and yes, i do think the cartoon intro etc is CHOICE
as in yeah i got all the games and completed them to state of total completion etc etc
so anyways i've noticed that alot of people seem to love sonic cd but i found it quite shit apart from the title screen.
bosses had some nice animation but thats about it.
im interested if anyone would like to comment about why they like it so much
(and yes, i do think the cartoon intro etc is CHOICE