Hi guys,
I'm having some troubles (Again !) with Sprite animation in SGL. I can't seem to have any control over the sprite display.
I can slDispsprite them fine (Rotation,scaling and Z position. Also H & V flipping). But what about animations and framerate ?
The SegaPainter for Mac has an Animation tool but that can only be used when it's connected to a Mac through Cartdev so it's a no go for me. :/
The only thing I can do is through the command : slInitSystem(TV_352x224, tex_TEST ,1);
The last value determines wether it's a a processing value of 1/60 sec or 1/30. (the more you add the slower the speed but get's laggy)
The texture animation loops at a very frantic speed.
I can't seem to find any official methods (No samples or demos as well ?) used in SGL beside the few commands I mentioned.
Other than Rockin-B's Game tutorial I can't really extract the count/max loop function.
SBL gives me compiling errors left & right I would like to avoid that if possible.
Any suggestion on how can I tackle this and solutions ?
Much appreciated !
I'm having some troubles (Again !) with Sprite animation in SGL. I can't seem to have any control over the sprite display.
I can slDispsprite them fine (Rotation,scaling and Z position. Also H & V flipping). But what about animations and framerate ?
The SegaPainter for Mac has an Animation tool but that can only be used when it's connected to a Mac through Cartdev so it's a no go for me. :/
The only thing I can do is through the command : slInitSystem(TV_352x224, tex_TEST ,1);
The last value determines wether it's a a processing value of 1/60 sec or 1/30. (the more you add the slower the speed but get's laggy)
The texture animation loops at a very frantic speed.
I can't seem to find any official methods (No samples or demos as well ?) used in SGL beside the few commands I mentioned.
Other than Rockin-B's Game tutorial I can't really extract the count/max loop function.
SBL gives me compiling errors left & right I would like to avoid that if possible.
Any suggestion on how can I tackle this and solutions ?
Much appreciated !