Start 'em young


Staff member
Start 'em young

Almost 18 months old, and can already kick our ass at Rally - X, well, kick Frisky's ass anyway. 😉

Start 'em young

She is. She is actually pretty good at Rally X, she likes dig dug quite a bit as well. With dig dug she only operates the stick or the firing button, and one of us does the other, but it works. She could care less about the other two games on it, pac man and bosconian.
Start 'em young

I didn't start my little one quite that young, but she's six now and can finish stages of New Super Mario Brothers that I get stuck on. :thumbs-up:
Start 'em young

She actually decided to play herself, she found it on a shelf and kept asking about it. So we plugged it in and let her play. Now she can actually hook it up herself and she starts playing it (the TV has front hookups).