Staying on the Edge of Technology

It is difficult to sense the rythm of when new technology will arrive.

It seemed like the ipod had been in the news for only a few months when my buddy at work bought one. It was a 2nd generation ipod. Within the year, the sleeker, more capable 3rd generation unit cameout. Now he's stuck with the old one.

The same thing seemed to happen with gameboy color before advance came out. And then SP came out JUST as I was about to finally get a GBA. Even the portable phones are outdated a month after they come out.

1. Should I get an Ipod now or do you think the 5th generation will come out soon and blow it away?

2. Should I get a gameboy SP... or will an "SP2" make me regret it?

And finally, how do you pace the market. Are there any reliable predictors? Buying a first generation itemcan be risky. And tech tv is all reruns.
You really just have to bite the bullet and buy said item when you have the money.

Tech toys are always going to get smaller, faster, more storage and more features. You could wait forever if you don't...
Man, if you kept looking forward to the next new thing, you'd never buy anything.

You should really ask yourself what you find necessary. I hear this new Ipod can hold 20,000 something songs. In my case, it's completely unnecessary. I don't even have 1,000 songs (and I don't have many CDs either).

In terms of the GBA SP, I suppose you'd have to look at the current line-up. And realistically, the GBA isn't all that underpowered, and we know that currently 3D on handhelds simply gives people headaches. And to me many of these GBA games look like what I have on the game gear (run faster, obviously).
I bought an ipod gen 2 when I knew the three was coming out. It's 10 gigs and In reality I only use 2 at most. Like said before, it's basically what you think you need. If you're thinking of getting an ipod, get the gen 2 or even the gen 1 (although they are a big big). You really dont need more than that. The only reason they keep upgrading is to make more money but the gen 2 is really sleek and awsome. I love it.

Now the gba is a bit different. This thing DOES have a backlit screen now which is a big improvement. IF you dont find it necesary and are ok with using a wormlight or similar accessory then get the normal one. but if backlighing is important, go with the sp. That really seems to be it's only advantage.
I specifically DON'T stay on the leading edge of technology.

Well, okay, that's not quite true--I pick out something that interests me, wait a few months for the price to come down, and then check to see if it's worth buying in terms of its usefulness. (e.g. my computer: built using Athlon 2400, Radeon 9000, etc... quite good performance, half the price.)

With stuff like the iPod, I have to admit, it's a neat idea because you can use it to carry around files and things (i.e. you can use it like a portable hard drive) and movies and pictures. And use it like your dayplanner.

The thing is, 40 GB is a bit much for what still comes down to an MP3/MP4 player. It costs $600 for a fancy new iPod. My spare computer, including all parts inside of it, didn't cost $600. (and I built it new a month ago from wholesale parts.)

And then there's the fact that some toys don't catch on, like mindisc players.

Hell, I seek out technological curiosities that are out of date (like Sega systems for example ;P)
the problem with Apple products is that they look so NEW when they come out, but so OUTDATED just months later.

The original Imac and Ibook (toilet seat laptop) that came out just a few years ago are laughable now because they look so old. I kind of feel the same way about the Ipod.
Originally posted by jeff-20@Dec 20, 2003 @ 06:09 AM

the problem with Apple products is that they look so NEW when they come out, but so OUTDATED just months later.

The original Imac and Ibook (toilet seat laptop) that came out just a few years ago are laughable now because they look so old. I kind of feel the same way about the Ipod.

Are you buying this thing as an MP3 player or a fashion accessory? So what if it doesn't look quite as cool a few months down the road. It will still play MP3s just as well.
Originally posted by Gallstaff@Dec 20, 2003 @ 01:30 PM

I bought an ipod gen 2 when I knew the three was coming out.

Gallstaff, aren't you about 9 years old? 😛 How in the hell do you afford all this stuff?
Originally posted by CommanderBubba@Dec 20, 2003 @ 01:08 AM

And then there's the fact that some toys don't catch on, like mindisc players.

I love my minidisc player, fits right in my pocket, and I can fit about 5 to 6 albums onto one disc in LP4 mode (I'm not that big of an audiophile that I can tell the difference between Stereo, LP2, and LP4). But you are right, I'll go to switch discs after a class, and someone will go "what the hell is that thing?"
Originally posted by Myname+Dec 20, 2003 @ 09:32 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Myname @ Dec 20, 2003 @ 09:32 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'> <!--QuoteBegin-Gallstaff@Dec 20, 2003 @ 01:30 PM

I bought an ipod gen 2 when I knew the three was coming out.

Gallstaff, aren't you about 9 years old? 😛 How in the hell do you afford all this stuff? [/b][/quote]

I believe that was redisent lurker. I'm still in my trouble making highschool years.
I know, that's what I mean. You must really horde your cash or something. Perhaps you sell your body on the streets? 😉
ok. The next ipod needs better controls (something more like a gameboy plus pad would be nice) and a built in Navipod (remote control unit) -- it wouldn't increase the cost much.
it's impossable to stay "cutting edge" cuz no matter what, there is always sumthin out there that can do sumthin your thing can do better. Juts basically decide if ti's worth the $$.
I suppose you stay cutting-edge by getting your EE degree, getting a job, and making the new stuff. 😉

Seriously though, BJammzz has it - you don't. It's a pointless exercise anyhow, and you'll only succeed in racking up staggering debts and/or irritating neuroses by trying. Much more useful, fun, and (mostly) affordable is to try to keep your knowledge of technology cutting-edge.

And finally, how do you pace the market. Are there any reliable predictors?

In an established industry, the main competitors often provide information on upcoming products or business strategies on a regular basis - this is a way of competing for investment dollars. This isn't the sort of information that will let you make a "should I wait 3-6 months" decision, but it might give you a sense of the general timeframe for a big shift to a new technology. I don't keep track of that many industries, but Google News is probably a nice place to test...

Buying a first generation item can be risky.

Yes, and this will never really change. First-gen items will always carry a risk of odd bugs, and your best bet for making a decision on this is to see how well the company deals with customer service, warranty service etc. in general. Some companies (*cough*SCEA*cough*) almost use early adopters as unpaid testers, others are seriously committed to supporting the product and customers, and this is an attitude that doesn't just show up in one detail of a company's operations.
so how many votes for buying an ipod now or waiting for the future generation?

I wish they would give up that stupid wheel control...

and while they are at it, would it really be so hard to market it for home stereos? (a docking unit that can charge with AC rather than firewire only... and a built in infrared... they already have AV in the dock, what's the use if you have to keep in near the computer?!)

Breaking news: I just heard on some other forum that there is an iPod emulator for your pc... ha ha... seriously! no joke!)
Myname: I am a high school senior and I also work....Not having to pay for a house, or clothes, or homecooked meals, my money goes directly towards things of interest (Cars, Electronics, Fast food). I'm able to buy many of my "toys" because my basic needs are covered by my family...

I assume Gallstaff is under a similar situation.
Yeah, only because his parents give his spoiled rotten ass all this money.

Way to go through life Gallstaff! Just keep riding on the shoulders of your parents your whole life! I wish I had parents like yours! :sarcasm: :looney


Heh.. I don't worry at all about "Staying on the Edge of Technology". If I did, I'd just end up buying a new Mac every few months! :lol: Although I wish I could! 😉 For now, Imma using my trusty Blue & White G3 :bow You'd think I'd save up all my money and buy a 'Cube and/or 'Box (I plan on buying one of 'em sometime in January), with a ton o' games. Even after I buy one, and get up to around 15 games or so (I like to average AT LEAST 15 games per console I own), I'll probably go back to buying MD/Genny games by the truckload, like I have been for the last year.