Staying on the Edge of Technology

No, I don't mean that. This is what I mean:

You claim you spent over $1000 on gifts this Xmas? I have a very good bet as to where you got all that dough. Your Parents.

You spent $800 building a goddamn Windows machine (if it's an Intel processor, then it really adds up to being a piece of shit). I can once again think of where you got it/got the money for you to buy all the parts. Parents.

Where you get the iPod? Hm.. $300 even for the low-end model. If not a gift (Even THEN, that's a bit much), can you say parents?
Originally posted by jeff-20@Dec 20, 2003 @ 10:02 PM

so how many votes for buying an ipod now or waiting for the future generation?

I wish they would give up that stupid wheel control...

and while they are at it, would it really be so hard to market it for home stereos? (a docking unit that can charge with AC rather than firewire only... and a built in infrared... they already have AV in the dock, what's the use if you have to keep in near the computer?!)

Breaking news: I just heard on some other forum that there is an iPod emulator for your pc... ha ha... seriously! no joke!)

I'd buy an iRiver, they do the same thing, have more format support, and much better battery life (my main ipod qualm).
Originally posted by IceMan2k@Dec 21, 2003 @ 01:09 PM

It's kinda funny listening to you guys argue. :devil

I don't think's turning into a small war in every thread where the two post together. Cloud you seem to start it off more often...we know you don't like Gallstaff for whatever reason, keep it to yourself PLEASE.
But dont buy THAT one, wait till the next one comes out and this new one is only 50! (You see where i'm going here don't you)
The trick to getting the most out of expensive new toys is to buy them at that critical point where the price just comes down a bit from the original but the next generation model isn't going to come out for several months. IF you get something in that timeframe (extremely difficult to do and easy to miss) you generally get to enjoy your new toy without feeling bad that the new model came out so soon after you bought it.
Jeff, they get to enjoy the ipod for as long as they want. I bought mine for like 200 bucks (150 after rebate) and I still enjoy it...

Dude i enjoy my dreamcast that i bought for 200 bucks and now it's 20. Just cause it's old doesnt mean it's not fun.
Good point Gallstaff.

I personally enjoy the Dreamcast I bought for new for $100 as much as the one I bought used for $20.

If it really makes a difference to you and you NEED to have it the moment it comes out, then go ahead and blow your money on it.

I never played with an Atari until 3 years ago when I bought my first one.

I didn't get around to buying a Gamecube until 2 years after it came out, and I would have gladly paid $200 for it instead of $100. The time inbetween it's release and the time I bought it was spent doing other things.

I'm sure you've waited for other things in your life jeff-20, so what's waiting a little longer? It sounds like you want to get this new stuff because of what other people are doing. Don't bring "other people" into this. Who cares what they think?
I have to agree Apple likes to release stuff too quickly. The iPods, OSX versions and their computers are released far to quickly. Generally a year between product revisions is better. It give pleanty of time for the prices to come down and for someone to get used to what they bought so that they don't feel bad when the next years model comes out.