Street Fighter Contollers


Mid Boss
I was at my local Blockbuster renting some movies, and saw an Akuma one on the counter there. I then checked out EB and Gamestop, they both only list Ken, Ryu, and Chun Li. Does anyone know if certain retailers are only getting certain ones. They are damn cool. Similar layout to a Saturn pad. Just cusrious if anyone knows. Thanks.
For PS2. And according to EB and Gamestop, they are gonna make some for the x-box as well. According to the package, the Akuma one is a "collectors edition" Had the PS hologram, and even capcom's logo on it. All in all, pretty awesome. I was gonna pick one up.
I'm considering getting one for Xbox, although I hear the D-pad isn't very good.

I heard they're going to have different characters on the Xbox controllers. I hope that's not entirely true, as I was hoping for a Chun Li one.

Isn't it strange that the very best D-pads continue to be the ones for the Genesis and the SNES? It seems like our D-pad technology is regressing rather than advancing.
Originally posted by schi0249@Oct 24, 2004 @ 03:43 PM

I think its funny, that of all the controllers to mimic, they chose the Saturn.

[post=121557]Quoted post[/post]​

I think it remsembles the ASCII Pads that were released for the Dreamcast, but then again, the ASCII ones were based off of the Saturn controllers.

So yeah, this reply was pretty useless. :/
speaking of ASCII. What happenened to them. There was a time where they made the BEST controllers. They don't seem to make them anymore, at least not in the US.
RAH! its 40 dollars for that.... Ive wanted one, but 40 bucks is just way to much for it. Nevermind i can't FIND it, luckily you put that link up.
Originally posted by it290@Sun, 2004-10-24 @ 04:54 AM

Saturn, man. You mean Saturn. SNES pad = weak.

[post=121544]Quoted post[/post]​

I'm sure he MEANT to type Saturn, but special K is a hell of a drug.

As for why they didn't put MasterAkumaMatata on the Sega-brand USB Saturn pads, it's simple. They just didn't want to make them any more expensive than they already are! Yeah, that's it. Not because they were afraid it would scare children, no, not at all.

Actually, for less than $40 I could just buy a Saturn pad and make it USB myself. 🙁 Or use an adapter and use it on other systems.
Look what I just ordered: :cheers


Why not get yourselves one from SegaXtreme's sponsor Lik-Sang, only $25.