Strikers 1945 - Is it I or II?

I have strikers 1945 for the PS1. I was trying to figure out if it's really #1 or #2. It doesn't say II on the box, but I was searching the interweb and several websites were saying that "I" was only released in Japan, not in the US, so when "II" was released in the US, they dropped the II. So all Strikers 1945 (blank) in the US is actually Strikers 1945 II.

Is that true? Is what I have #2? If so, is there any US release of #1 for any platform, or do I have to import?


Yes, the US release called 'Strikers 1945' is actually part II. I don't think there was ever an American release of part I, but there are a few different ports - PS1, Saturn, and PS2. I would avoid the PS2 pack as it doesnt save scores IIRC, but the others are both quite good. I have the Saturn version and its just about perfect - near zero load times, no slowdown, and tate mode. I would recommend picking up a copy of S1945 -- some people prefer the flashier graphics and slightly more complex gameplay of the second game, but the original is just a classic through-and-through. Psikyo games have never been known for their depth, but S1945 is just about the perfect game for a quick blast.