SX logo idea brainstorming


Established Member
I've been having a fun time tonight playing around in Freehand, so I thought I would play around with logo ideas for the board.

I remember hearing complaints that the old logo is looking long in the tooth.

I'd also like one that looks good with the board skin I use (SX Dark Blue).

I can't really come up with a solid idea yet, but here's some fonts, colors, and such I'm playing around with.

Lemme know what you think.


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Hmm, a little bland... and I don't really think the 'camp' font at the top really suits the whole Sega image at all. I agree that the middle one looks the best, but the kerning really needs work (on all of them, actually), and I don't think the italic font really works with the one on the left... additionally, is that X from a different font as well? Also, you can clearly see that the outline is uneven - that needs to be smoothed out or built by hand.

Anyway, I'm sorry if I'm being too critical, I just like typography a lot, and so I'm pretty picky about this sort of thing. 😉
actually I'm not much for any in particular either.

I WANT criticism.

Like I said, I could find a combination I was happy with.

I'll tinker some more.

Any other ideas would be appreciated.
Here's round 2

For those who didn't notice, the font I used for Sega on most of this post is the one used for the Genesis/MegaDrive

The 2nd font used for "Xtreme" is the one I used on the SX t-shirts.

The 3rd font used for "Xtreme" is the ones used for Kid Chameleon.

[Contructive] Critcism please


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I like the second 'xtreme' one, but again, the kerning needs cleaning up. Right now the spacing in between the characters is very uneven. I would also consider overlapping the X like in the image attached, maybe a bit more.

I also like the font on the second-to-last one. Maybe give that a black-one-white treatment like the second 'xtreme'? And perhaps enlarge the X and then the 'treme' in next to it?

I think with a 'slick' looking logo, you have to really tighten it up so that any negative space is either eliminated by the characters themselves or filled with something else, y'know what I'm saying?


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ok how's this?


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Thumbs up to the third one. However, I must wonder what it would look like with the traditional SEGA logo font at the front instead of the Genesis/MegaDrive font.

Heh... You must be using the same font website I found when designing the mailing labels for the t-shirts. 😀 I think I ended up using the Chu Chu Rocket font for everyone's names and the Genesis font for the SegaXtreme in the return address.
I like the third one too, maybe try bumping the 'treme' up a couple pixels and/or resizing it slightly so that the stroke on it lines up with that of 'Sega'? Either that or offset both sides a bit more (move 'Sega' up and 'treme' down). Also, I think the 'treme' could be stretched out a bit horizontally so that it balances a little more.
just to see what it looks like, might work better.

Try using the regular sega font....see what that looks like, could be cool.

possably tilt the X a little clockwise and see how that looks, will help breakup the sega and xtreme a lil.

All this on the 3rd one mind you....