Tax Question


Established Member
Last year I filed as "head of household" with my little brother as my dependant (2004 taxes). This year I am again filing him as my dependant. He died 4 months into the year (May 1st), but the rules say I am allowed to file with him as my dependant.

The thing is I am wondering if I can also file as head of household again!?

The rules for head of household are that it is a relative that lived with you atleast half the year that which you supported more then 50% of. (nonrelatives had to live with you the entire year)

These are basically the same requirements of a dependant. If your dependant dies before 6 months into the year you can still file them as your dependant... but nowhere can I find out if it is the same for "head of household".

I'm coming here as a last straw... I know there are a lot of you republicans on here (Icey... :p ). So could you help me out?

Oh and don't say you know if you don't... I don't need to be audited on your behalf.

if you want to know my insentives...

I get 680 as single back

I get 1120 with a dependant

And I get 1660 as head of household/with dependant.

and with the cost of school that could really be helpful.
Drug OD of cocaine and ephedrin... but then there was a note... not sure exactly; the state ruled ' accidental chemical OD'.