The never ending What did you have for lunch post!

Froot loops and a pb&j with an apple raspberry cranberry juice. Hey is it just me or are cranberries in just about every bottled drink now?
Tomato soup and bread

Honey glazed turkey, olive loaf, and swiss cheese sandwich

Wow, 8 pages! This really is going on forever.
I've finally given up and I'm adding to this nutty thread now.

Coffee and cinnamon oatmeal for breakfast.

A good teeth cleaning at the dentist's, followed by Listerine.

A microwaved chicken pot pie for lunch.

Egg salad sandwiches for dinner.

I'm also likely to have mac'n'cheese shortly (at 1:09am)... sudden craving. Or perhaps I didn't eat enough today.

Peanut butter and honey sandwich and chocolate milk

Taelon, I'm glad your joining us. Just post what you had for lunch, not the whole day. Welcome to the far side.
Mexican food: burritos and fajitas.

[...] Observing the rapidity with which huge bottles of Listerine were disappearing from the bathroom, Tabby asked me if I drank the stuff. I responded with self-righteous hauteur that I most certainly did not. Nor did I. I drank the Scope instead. It was tastier, had that hint of mint.

(From On Writing, by Stephen King)

Coffee and cinnamon oatmeal for breakfast.

A good teeth cleaning at the dentist's, followed by Listerine.

Taelon, you shouldn't drink Listerine. Read Stephen King's books instead