This is great

Wow!! What a truly fantastic demo!

It's hard to believe that it only fits in 64K. Top stuff, thanks for that ExCyber :)

The music kind of reminds me of my favourite C64 demo, beyond Imagination 2.
I remember this from about a year ago, very good, but it was explained to me how it was done and lost a bit of its mystique :(
I only skimmed a couple of bits on the website, sounds like they mainly used ridiculously tweaked compression (duh :biggrin:) and procedural textures/geometry... still pretty cool results IMO.
Exactly as skank says, uses alot of DX textures already on your pc. Amazing little demo.

Some of the demo scenes music is awesome!
Eh... that's cheating. :(

I guess that, in a sense, there's no such thing when it comes to demo coding though. :biggrin:
O.O Wow! Thats one extreamly impressive little package. I can hardly belive they managed to fit it into a file thats only 64K. My hat goes off to the creators of this one.