Torrents and You


Mid Boss
Not to be a troll or any such, but since monetarily I have nothing I can quite give to SX for its continuance, I'd like to host some of the many numerous obscure Saturn games I have filed away on my PC.

I'm not sure how to go about it, and was hoping perhaps a crash course could be found?

I have basically 384 kb/s up. Is that enough to seed a torrent? What program would I be needing?

I'd just like to give back to the website that I gave half my college years to, while I'm at work not using my bandwidth.
So, this particular tracker listed, the sk8 one, is that one you use, Racket? Or is there a preferred tracker for SX?

Looks like a board that you have to register to. I haven't tried any of your torrents, but would people have to sign up there?

I'm guessing creating a tracker requires a huge amount of bandwidth...
you don't have to register to use the tracker -- you just stick it in there.

You only have to register to post it on their boards and such.

I could post any torrents there if you would like