Unreleased Game: Sonic X-treme (NiGHTS Version) Video


Via ASSEMblergames

ASSEMbler of ASSEMblergames has released video footage of the unreleased Sega Saturn game: Sonic X-treme!

This is a video of the concept "nights" version of Sonic Xtreme for Sega

Saturn. Looking to produce a concept for a 3D sonic, a Sega USA team

used the nights engine to produce a concept for demonstration. Upon

hearing about the use of their engine, the Japanese team had a fit and

forced the adoption of a different engine, the so called "fish eye" version

that was later canceled as unworkable.

This bickering lead to the cancellation of the only "Killer App" for Sega Saturn.

This video is from the only copy of the game in existence, which sold for

nearly $3000 in 2006.
Was Sonic 3D Blast what came out instead, or was this supposed to come out after S3B?

In either case, it's amazing to realize that was on *saturn* hardware. And why couldn't they use the Nights engine? What a catastrophe on so many levels.

I'm beginning to think that there were a lot of games that could've used the Nights engine, and not just Sonic...
That's actually not the NiGHTS engine. If you read down the post available through the link, you'll see why.
I watched it on youtube, then went to assemblergames after I wrote the post.

It'd be one thing if it were the nights engine. Worse still, it wasn't even - it was something that looked like it. So, as gamers who plunked good money down for a Sega Saturn, we didn't get Sonic Xtreme because the game looked too much like Nights.

That's crap on so many levels.

Sega is lucky that that news didn't come out until today - I would've stopped supporting the company right then. I know I'm not the only one.