Unusual problem with Saturn swap trick

I have a model 1 Saturn and have taped down the lever to allow me to leave the tray open, but the problem is that my Saturn doesn't even really try to spin the CD-R after power on. It spins slowly for a second or less but then slows to a halt, meanwhile the Access light never stops blinking. Original games still work fine.

The game I'm trying is Sakura Taisen, and the .bin worked fine in the Cassini emulator. I burned it via .cue, and it looks like a good burn (though I haven't tried playing the CD-R in an emu yet, as I'm booted in Linux now and don't want to disrupt some downloads)

One item of note is that for some reason my Saturn always starts up at the language/date/time config screen. Not sure if that might be indicative of some problem.

Anyway, if anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them, please!
well, for the time/date problem, try replacing the battery of your saturn, loacated on the botom right side.

As for your other problem, i dont know. Sorry