This could work.

I have a european saturn modded for U/E/J and 50/60 Hz and a pal vcd card.

As E Saturn at 50 or 60 hz a vcd will start to play.

AS J or U Saturn at 50 or 60 Hz the disc stops at the BIOS screen with "Disc requires system application", so the vcd card isn't even recognized by the saturn.

When i use a ARP card and leave the ARP menu (start game ,then with c back to the BIOS) the vcd will start.

So it is possible.
You're telling me... that I can use an ST-Key or the AR4+ to the VCD will work? You're kidding! How can a a piece of hardware convert another piece of hardware?

But then again.... You say you have the 50/60 swtich put on your Sat. I don't have mine modded (I would do it, but I got it modded with a mod board, and the red wire is REALLY streaching in order to reach the 5v power source).

So... anyway to make it work WITHOUT doing the 50/60 switch?

Edit: Nevermind, I just re-read the post you made. So... the AR4+ will kinda fool the BIOs into thinking it's a USA VCD Card? Sounds cool!

(Edited by Cloud121 at 6:37 pm on Feb. 16, 2002)
So..... no need to do the 50/60 mhz switch eh? #### YEAH!!! Was it the ARP4+ (it includes the 4MB RAM required for the later Capcom games) you used Shinji?
You need the 50/60 Hz switch only for watching pal-vcd on a ntsc saturn (or the bottom is cutted).

I used PAR card from EMS with adaptor, memory manager & parallel port , no 1/4 MB extension.

(Edited by Shinji at 10:28 pm on Feb. 20, 2002)
A waste of money, use a search engine and download it for free. And the quality from the saturn vcd-card is still better.
the dremcast vcd player disk sucks hard, dont pa anything for it. gypplay is the only worthwhile dreamcast vcd player, allthough the dreamcast divx player looks promising