Vibrator/Rumble things don't work

Vibrator/Rumble things don't work

I found a pawn store that has a bunch of dreamcast accessories. I picked up one of those vibrating rumble things. It was translucent orange, and had some switch that chose between memory or rumble, and had 4 LEDs that changed when you clicked a button. I had no idea what was going on. But I couldn't get it to vibrate in any of my games.

So I took it back and exchanged it for another one. This one is just one of those plain old white ones that has no other buttons or lights. It also won't rumble in any of my games.

Before I take this one back and try the 3rd and last one they have, I just want to know if I'm missing something completely? I have vibration turned on in the games. I have a gun that successfully vibrates with HOTD2 so I know that it *should* work.

I've tried them in both an official sega dreamcast controller as well as a 3rd party controller. All the rumble packs I've seen are 3rd party. Did sega even make an official one in the US?


Vibrator/Rumble things don't work

Ever checked if it's battery is alive (or if does have abattery in it at all)? Dreamcast rumble packs require batteries to work.
Vibrator/Rumble things don't work

Dreamcast rumble packs do not require batteries at all, they get power via the controller slot. I can't think of anything you haven't tried.. if the game supports it and it isn't something wrong with the controller (as you've tried more than one) than I would assume that it is the accessory itself. Sega did release an official jump pack, but it was more expensive and less powerful than 3rd party ones.

Vibrator/Rumble things don't work

Originally posted by Ammut@Jul 28, 2004 @ 12:14 PM

Sega did release an official jump pack, but it was more expensive and less powerful than 3rd party ones.

3rd party jump pack have some compatibility problems, just like many memory units.

Use the Sega products, they are 100% compatible.
Vibrator/Rumble things don't work

Yep, the official ones are better and they did come out in the US as "Jump Packs" and look identical to the japanese "puru puru pack". as far as i remember they werern't widely availible at first but became somewhat more common as time passed, but i don't believe they were all that popular. but i like em.