Website help!


Mid Boss
I have to build a website for my BCIS class this semester. The teacher requires us to have all the following on the first page: date, time, weather, and and a counter. I am using Dreamweaver to design it, as I have no previous experience in web design. Currently I have a weather sticker from weatherbug, and I have a date/time one I found on a free site. I really want all 3 in one frame, so I only have that and my counter. And it needs to be free. Any help??
A quick page with a counter, weather, date, and time. The date & time are placed via javascript, and the counter only counts the # of times the person viewing has visited using cookies + javascript. The weather is from Weather Underground. Here you go:



<title>Page for schi0249</title>



 function nameDefined(ckie,nme)


   var splitValues

   var i

   for (i=0;i<ckie.length;++i)



      if (splitValues[0]==nme) return true


   return false


function delBlanks(strng)


   var result=""

   var i

   var chrn

   for (i=0;i<strng.length;++i) {


      if (chrn!=" ") result += chrn


   return result


function getCookieValue(ckie,nme)


   var splitValues

   var i

   for(i=0;i<ckie.length;++i) {


      if(splitValues[0]==nme) return splitValues[1]


   return ""


function insertCounter() {




 function displayCounter() {

 document.write('<H3 ALIGN="CENTER">')

 document.write("You've visited this page ")

 if(counter==1) document.write("the first time.")

 else document.write(counter+" times.")



function readCookie() {

 var cookie=document.cookie


 var chkdCookie=delBlanks(cookie)  //are on the client computer

 var nvpair=chkdCookie.split(";")




 var futdate = new Date()

 var expdate = futdate.getTime()

 expdate += 3600000 * 24 *30  //expires in 1 hour


 var newCookie="pageCount="+counter

 newCookie += "; expires=" + futdate.toGMTString()



// -->




The current time and date: 

<h4>It is now  

<script type="text/javascript">


var currentTime = new Date()

var hours = currentTime.getHours()

var minutes = currentTime.getMinutes()

var month = [color=red]currentTime.getMonth() + 1[/color]

var day = currentTime.getDate()

var year = currentTime.getFullYear()

if (minutes < 10)

minutes = "0" + minutes

document.write(hours + ":" + minutes + " ")

if(hours > 11){

document.write("PM, ")

} else {

document.write("AM, ")


document.write(month + "/" + day + "/" + year) 





<a href="">



You are visitor #: 




// -->



No problem. You might want to check the counter requirement with your instructor -- the one I gave as an example doesn't count total visits, rather it's per-person/browser (cookie based).
Ick... Dreamweaver... The only thing I can imagine worse would be FrontPage.

Sorry, I do all my web work in WordPad and NotePad these days.

Do you have any restrictions on what kind of language this has to be programmed in? should have a variation of the old Perl scipt one I used to use before I started doing everything in PHP.
No rules. Just build a web page. At school I have free access to Frontpage and Dreamweaver. However, the prof put on a 1.5 hour workshop on Dreamweaver. The class is just a basic BCIS class. We have 3 projects: web page, Access database, and Excel spreadsheet. In some sections, their only project is to build an access database and interface excel with it. Being my first website, and not knowing html, things are going OK. Before turning in the final project, I'm going to post the link for feedback. Content wise, he is specific. How we accomplish it, he doesn't care.
Alright, I have finished my class project site. I am taking all constructive comments. The more the merrier. Keep in mind, this is my first attempt and I am not looking to be a professional.

Here is the criteria for the assignment:

Minimum requirements for the web site are as follows.

1.Create minimum 3 web pages. Use at least one visible table. Every link must work. There should be no "broken" icons on the page. These result from references to image files which are not available.

a.Main web page:

i.Name it as index.html

ii.Include your photo, name, class and your email address. Include your email address as a “hot link”.

iii.Some links to sites related to your major department or BCIS department, the College of Business, and SCSU

iv.The page must include a background image or color.

v.Link to other pages

vi.A working counter that displays the number of times the page has been accessed on at least one of the pages.

vii.Date, local time, and local weather

b.Second page about your interests, hobbies, family etc.;

i.Name it as SecondPage.html.

ii.Include a link to other colleges and universities you have attended. If you are employed, state where you work and include a link to the company home page if it exists.

iii.You may then include any additional information and links you would like to share with us.

iv.Link to main page and other pages

c.Third page – include your resume:

i.Name it as Resume.html (file should be saved as a web page)

ii.Link to main page and other pages

Thanks again.

