Weirdest Thing at School

I was at school in the computer lab and I saw 2 kids playing ZSNES! Thats Right ZSNES! Does anyone else have a weird school story? Post Here.
My freshman year I lived in the dorms. I went into the computer lab on a Friday night to work on a paper. There was a guy in there, pants around his waist jerkin it. He turned to see me and went back to what he was doing.
Once in Drafting Class... long time ago, we would put all kinds of viruses on the computer and delete autocad left and right. But the best thing we ever did.

All in ONE 2 hour class period:

I had my friend justin go and put some naked 50 year old spread eagle as the wallpaper on the teachers computer

also put a potleaf that had legalize written under it as the flag screensaver (95 ROX)

Then i deleted autocad and ripped the cd tray out of MY computer. I glued the front back on so it looked like it still had a tray.

Now to put my plan in ACTION

Call the teacher over because SOMEONE deleted autocad again. He comes over with the disk and can't open the tray, he gets a butter knife and pops the cover off the cd tray. i moan "YOU BROKE IT MR. GODFREY!" He's now pissed and goes back to his desk to call the front office so the can come and remove me from class. He sees the potleaf screensaver and goes to remove it even more furious. Upon getting to the desktop and finding his surprise he about had a heart attack. I need to inform you, he was a flaming homosexual and damn proud of it. He glared me down and demanded the floppy disk in my hand which contained the porn.


I slam the disk against the desk and start chewing on the insides... "Vu ain got'm nah proopf!" i retort with a mouthful of plastic.
Don't get me started on pranks... me and dexter (my roommate) are the kings of pranks. Shit he spent 3 years in jail doing a really MEAN prank.
Originally posted by link343@Oct 15, 2004 @ 04:37 PM

I was at school in the computer lab and I saw 2 kids playing ZSNES! Thats Right ZSNES! Does anyone else have a weird school story? Post Here.

[post=121072]Quoted post[/post]​

*Looks on in disbelief*


OH MY GOD! They're playing ZSNES!

If you want to post a weird school story, then why post that? The hell's so weird about that? I play MD/Genny and SMS all the time via Genesis Plus, Generator, and SMS Plus at school.

A lot of other kids play as well.

Nothing much must really go on at your school.
I set all of the computers in the computer lab to autologin to a generic account that then executed a program that crashed windows upon loading, sending the computers into reboot cycle that lasted for a good 3 days until the net admin realized there was something called safe mode.
It took em' THAT long.... my god. How dumb can these people BE. Best I ever did was back in high school they for somereason kept the student computers on the same Domain as the teacher computers. It made it REAL easy to go in and change grades and erase absent marks, referrals, and suspensions. Also give suspensions. All for a fee, just a fee.

and no, i never changed MY grades... there was no need too.
This is a sad one, but... I worked with this "know it all" who knew nothing. He left his PC unlocked one day when he went to lunch. We took a screen capture of his desktop, moved the icons off screen, and set the capture as his desktop. Took him a few hours to call IS. Took IS maybe 5 min to solve.
At work we call that POOPING or GETTIN' POOED... you NEVER leave you comp open or you WILL be pooped. it was dubbed pooping because Charlie and I started the whole thing by putting pics from up. It then upgraded to more elaborate things.

This is fun... i want more... TELL ME MORE!
Originally posted by Supergrom@Oct 15, 2004 @ 08:59 PM

i have a friend who had a website with some adds on it, and he set all the computers in one of the labs at the school to reload his page overnight. he got a lot of hits and a lot of money. this was a while ago though, its probably not so easy anymore

[post=121099]Quoted post[/post]​

nah, they restrict hits from ips now i think
Back in highschool (keep in mind, this is at least 12 years ago, long before anybody even heard of Windows 95) I arranged all the PC's in the (non-networked, DOS only) computer lab to emit an obnoxious, ongoing beep five minutes after being booted up.

Another time, I left a fun boot disc in my marketing teacher's computer. It would boot a DOS prompt that would have a smart-assed reply to every comand you typed. "I don't want to." "Maybe later." "I don't feel like it." type stuff. Harmless and funny. He knew I did it, but it was meant to fluster whoever else in my class went to use the computer that day.

Heh... My computer at home imploded due to a brown-out (my sister plugged a treadmill into the same outlet as the PC) the night I had to type up my required-to-graduate final papers. Luckily my dad was able to bring his laptop home and I was able to save everything to floppy. And thankfully, that same marketing teacher let me print everything on his computer.
You might want to explain to the young people what DOS is, other than two in spanish. MS-DOS, PC-DOS, EL DOS...

Other than all of its disadvantages and limitations vs a modern OS, yes. Functional, solid. But that doesn't really answer the question, although it was mostly in jest anyway.

My schools seemed to go straight from crappy old Macs to Win95+, with nothing in between. Oregon Trail was the only thing I could stomach for long periods of time before we had internet access at school. I'd ford any river, ESPECIALLY if it was 20 or more feet deep.
Come on, Come on... wheres the good stuff.

All keep it going. At the school my friend went to, he had plastic forks and knives removed from the cafeteria all together and replaced with sporks. He did this by slicing his girlfriends arm open with a plastic knife, HOW, well hes tactful... he sliced me open with a plastic knife, after i pulled a prank on him abusing his fear of Silent Hill (yeah this one is a lil' old)
I've got a ton of these stories...

Biology class. One of the people in my lab group was THE most popular guy in school. I made him cry. We were dissecting crayfish. Amazingly, he was doing most of the work. As he worked, he cut away any parts of the crayfish that he no longer needed, including the extra claw-arm thing. I was playing with this ice-pick type tool. I stuck it in the crayfish's arm and was swinging it around like a party favor, ya know like one of those things people swing around on New Year's Eve. Then this kid stopped for a minute, trying to decide what part to go after next. As he thought, he set his hands down on the table. His right hand formed a perfect cup shape. So I dropped the claw in his hand. He blinked, looked at the claw in his hand, and SCREAMED BLOODY MURDER. He yanked his hand away from the claw and RAN away from the table to the other end of the classroom, screaming the whole way. It took him about ten minutes to get himself back together.