Weirdest Thing at School

I was hired to fix a small school for troubled teens computers one day. Man those were some of the messed up computers I have ever seen. CD drives stuffed with stuff, floppy drives stuffed with stuff, windows backgrounds messed up, viruses. Man that was some good money there.

Please continue to mess up your schools pc's since it's good for business ;O
This isn't school but meh.

I had to go to one of my customers house's to fix their computer. And each of their kids had computers, 2 girls, 2 boys. So i had to go network each one and I took the liberty of browsing throug them. Both girls had dude porn on there and one of the boys had WAY more dude porn. Yeah, hes 13.
I went to do some repair work at my sisters daycare (she manages it). The floppy drive had crayons shoved in it. The PC was filled with pencil shavings. The modem had a pencil jammed in it. Windows ME was all jacked. The monitor had magnets on it. Pretty messy. Cleaned everything up and it was good as new. And it lasted about 2 more months before the little ones broke it again.
Damn man,

I got busted for viewing "My Network Places" once. It was, in my opinon, a nasty attempt by the school to get rid of me. The IT there was just stupid, freqent security problems etc. I was always one to point these out espically consider that the friggen IT department thought that the best time to try out completly untested systems was during school time and usually when courseworks or presentations where due.

They attempted to land about 20 different issues against me, and compared to what you guys have seemingly done this things are a joke. Illegal things I "apparently did:

Browsing my network places - I addmit to that, though it was a one off and that was just to print random pages to different place on the network, some teacchers would get so freaked 😛

FTPing - Seriously whats wrong with that? I only used it to send work to and back form home, I even asked the IT department if I could do that before I did and they where fine with it. Something about being able to remote access computers via that, I may know stuff about computers but that is way beyond my knowledge

There was 20, only 2 of them they could prove and they where extremly minor, infact I wouldn't raise them as bad things cause a) there was no mailous meaning (as admitted from the start by them) b) nowhere in the terms of use did it say I could not.

I was given 3 days "cooling off" time. What for I ask, I'll never know, I guess they feared me 😛

True the year before a kid sneaked into the school (my school was next to a British military base and the school too is fenced off and armed guarded so getting inside out of school hours was a feet too), did something with the login thing so that all machines when logged into would display a hardcore pornographic image of some kind, naturally he was suspended for a few weeks.

But seriously there is NO way that the school should have come down so heavy on me, infact all they needed to do was nicely ask me not to do something if they deemed it a security risk. Loads of people (espically 6 formers) tampered with the pc's adding progs with spy/adware, bringing in USB drives etc and I get busted for FTPing. ARGH :damn:

Seriously I just think it was an attempt by the school to get rid of me. I was the only 6th former studing Maths, Chemistry and Physics and was apparently costing them £5000 a year to teach me (even though the school had a legal right to teach me anyway and money should not be a problem, espically by a school that gets almost sicking amounts of funding from the government and the militray.

Sorry for ranting, I just saw an oppurtunity to release a little pressure.

Though I think it is kinda funny what some of you have done I would strongly advise pupils not to try anything nasty with a school computer and read the RULES. You never know when the school might be against you for absoultly no reason. I have now moved to Caledonian Universty, They are allot more secure, making things invisible like control panel and the hard disk, even then I will never trust educational computers and now use my laptop as much as I can, I only use the network machines for internet access as the uni won't be allowing student laptop wireless access till next year.
Yes, sometimes admins can go overboard. Back when I was in HS, a friend of mine was kicked out of the Computer Magnet program (which I was in) after one of the teachers accused him of rooting one of the systems. Someone had actually broken in from some external system, IIRC, but my friend didn't do it (he tells me he didn't do it, and I have no reason not to believe him). The teacher had no proof that my friend had been responsible for the attack, but all he had to do was make the accusation and my friend was removed from the program. He was a prime suspect, because he had recently been arrested for hacking-related offenses, but still, I believe there should be some burden of proof in this type of action. Otherwise, if the admin is wrong (and he was in this case; not sure if he knew it or not), the person actually responsible for the damage (in the case of malicious hacking -- again, the system was simply rooted - no damage was done) is still out there and able to conduct further attacks.