What to do to spice things up here?


Staff member
Any suggestions on what to do to spice things up here?

Any cool L.O.R.D. type games that you can think of that are being "activly" developed/finished that I can host under a couple hundred or preferably free?

Suggestions are welcome.
I used to love L.O.R.D. and Usurper, and one other BBS game that I can't remember the name of (it was a whole lot bigger than the other two, but still not really MUD-style). Anyway, I can't tolerate stuff like that anymore, I've been spoiled. I don't need good graphics, but I like having a decent display of what is around me, even if it is simple 2D graphics.

In a related story, I just ordered World of Warcraft, that should keep me occupied for a couple of months. It's nothing special, but it's pretty fun, good world to explore too. I like having PvP being primarily faction-oriented. In other MMORPGs I walk around distrusting everyone, expecting to have to kill any one of them at any given point. In WOW, I know who the "bad guys" are.
That one BBS game where you have to kill Barney is awesome. You should look into that. Also having an online Nethack type game (I'm sure there's a Java version or something) would be sweet.... some Infocom adventures would also be nice.

Also, maybe ask around and see if people want to write some features/articles or something. Some hosted sites would be cool, as well. I'm working on a Shinobi shrine right now, for example.
How many people here play on Steam? If we have enough, and someone was willing to host games, we could get something going there.
How about a dev contest with prizes? Seems like there's a couple of projects going on now.
a Dev contest would be cool!

I'd love to see what you guys can cook up. 🙂

edit: wow I must have missed my 7000th post 🙂
Originally posted by racketboy@Thu, 2004-12-23 @ 05:13 PM

a Dev contest would be cool!

I'd love to see what you guys can cook up. 🙂

edit: wow I must have missed my 7000th post 🙂

[post=126350]Quoted post[/post]​

Haven't we already tried having two of those?

Also, Dud, I don't think one damn Poll is gonna do much.

If you need polls, just come to me. 😛
Cloud (yep your always going to be Cloud): IIRC we only have had one dev contest, which I thought was successful enough. This was back in summer 03.
Would you stop the one word posts as well?

"OK" and you're constantly just posting "Cool." is really annoying.