What's the best Star Wars flight game?

What's the best Star Wars flight game?

If it hasn't be stressed enough, Tie Fighter. And I don't even really like Star Wars.
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

Originally posted by Scared0o0Rabbit@Feb 4, 2004 @ 04:01 AM

IMHO, the best one is that old school arcade one. You know the one I'm talking about, vector graphics all the way! No really, I don't really like the newer ones, but I love that one.

I played the 32X version -- didn't give you much freedom which took away a lot from the gameplay.
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

I think you're confusing the old Atari vector Star Wars


with the newer polygon based Star Wars Arcade


which was also on the 32x.
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

Ton's of keys isn't much of a problem if you have a half-descent joystick. Here's what I use:

First, forget about the hat switch for POV. The radar is good enough.

HAT-LEFT = Shield power to Lasers

HAT-RIGHT = Laser power to Shields.

HAT-UP = Toggle shield configuration

These are the most important ones. In the middle of a dogfight when someone gets on your butt and blasts away your rear sheilds, HAT-UP to move sheilds to rear and HAT-RIGHT constantly to keep boosting their power.

So with your half decent joystick, you've still got at least 4 buttons on the stick itself (one trigger plus 3 thumb). Put in the extra money to get a joystick with a shift button. You use the shift-button with your left thumb.

Then you can do things like this:

Trigger - fire lazers

Shift+Trigger - fire countermeasure

Top button - select nearest enemy

Shift+Top button - select next objective


I cycle weapons a lot so I put that as HAT-down for extra-quick access (for when you get that special chance to proton someone without even needing a lock)

Of course you need a throttle control and stick rotation, this takes care of speed and z-axis rotation.

Then you should have at least 4 base buttons to use with your remaining four fingers with. My choices are:

Cycle weapons

Cycle weapon configs

And i usaully put the adjust recharge settings down here as well since I use them quite frequently.


Keep shields at regular recharge, and when needed, give lasers full recharge, and then just keep flicking your thumb on HAT-Right to pop the extra laser energy over to sheilds. I could be just watching a pot boil, but I swear the sheilds recharge faster this way. Any besides, in the heat of battle you definitely don't want your lazers running dry. They fire with more power when they are in the double-charge stage than in the single-charge stage.

When your dogfighting, thumb the select nearest button to target the guy who's firing on your arse.

I'm a huge joystick buff... I even play all my FPS with a joystick. With the shift button and hat switch and throttle and rotation I can map 24 or more commands to my joystick, so I never have to go to the keyboard during gameplay, unlike my mouse which only has 4 buttons. And the upright-nature of the joystick is better in the long-run on your wrist than the downward angled mouse which makes your twist your forearm.

Just make sure you can still move your hand off your joystick and hit the "H" key real fast without missing. In single-player mode, aborting a mission is much better than dying. If you're defending your own base, or you have a flagship nearby, then you can alt-"E"ject and get picked up. But otherwise the other side picks you up...
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

I have got a pretty good joystick so I'll be trying that button set up.

It sounds like it would work well. :thumbs-up:
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

And it's sequel "Star Wars: Rouge Squadron: Rouge Leader: Rebel Strike". I kid you not that is the full title of the game, but most just call it (thankfully) Rebel Strike.
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

Heh...all this talk of Star Wars games forced me to break out my copy of Tie Fighter. 🙂

If you have XP and you want to play it, forget about Dosbox. It was too slow on my 2500+ to run the game properly. I got best results with VDMSound. Runs the game at full speed with sound, although if you have the Collectors CD with the 640x480 in-game mode it doesn't work.
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

Originally posted by gameboy900@Feb 6, 2004 @ 02:17 PM

And it's sequel "Star Wars: Rouge Squadron: Rouge Leader: Rebel Strike". I kid you not that is the full title of the game

Or it would be if the spelling was right 😉. Nearly as bad as Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Brothers 3 which sounds like a football (soccer, before you say it) score.
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

Actually, Dos box runs it fine on my 1800+. You just need to tweak the settings, and it will run beautifully. I set the output to Opengl, memsize to 96, and cycles to 11388, you also might try changing the core to dynamic but mine is on normal. Hope this helps, also, make sure to run the newest version (.61). 😎

EDIT: if possible in your dos games, DONT USE VESA 2.0, use anything else.
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

I'll give it a go. Are you using the CD version, or the original floppy install?
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

Floppy Install, I still even have the box mint for it after all these years, including boxes for X-Wing, Quest for Glory I (VGA Remake), Space Quest(a few of them), and many others hidden away in my closet. 😉 Oh, and set your memsize to 64, thats the max dosbox allows...my bad.
What's the best Star Wars flight game?

Well I think that must be the difference. The best I could get was "playable" Tie Fighter. Using the OpenGL option made things much worse. Fastest combination was dynamic CPU and "overlay" graphics. It still wasn't anywhere near as useable as under VDMSound. I even turned off everything that wasn't being used (modem, other sound devices, etc).