What's your favorite candy?


Established Member
What's your favorite candy?

Personally, I'm not much for the fruity type of candy or hard candy in general.

I'll have it every now and then, but chocolate is my big thing.

I especially like dark chocolate.

Milky Way Midnight (or whatever they're called) are great.

My absolute favorites though are from See's candy. Not the chocolate bars, but the individual chocolate pieces you get from their stores.

Apple Pie, Key Lime Pie, and Raspberry are absolute heaven.

Anybody else?
What's your favorite candy?

I'm a big fan of Kit Kat and 3 Musketeers. I also enjoy those Peach-O things and cherry sours quite a bit. And, of course, jelly babies.
What's your favorite candy?

Ourson guimauve chocolat 😀 😀 😀 😀


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What's your favorite candy?

Hmm... chocolate :yum

It would have to be either a White Knight or a frozen (yes, frozen) Mars bar.
What's your favorite candy?

MC Pee Pants!

"All that rap is, is clicks and whistles."

Sorry, couldn't help it.

Anyways, I'm an M&M person. And 100 Grand on occassion.
What's your favorite candy?

Heh, you're about the only person I've ever heard say they liked Good 'n' Plenty.
What's your favorite candy?

Favorite Candy:

Reeses Pieces

Favorite Candy Bar:


Snickers Almond

Oh and, just about anything with Marshmallow :drool: :yum
What's your favorite candy?

Heh, you're about the only person I've ever heard say they liked Good 'n' Plenty.

I used to hate them. Funny how that works.

edit: forgot Altoids, if you want to call that a candy. Also, Spree is great, but it seems like every time I'm in a gas station convenience store they only have the chewy kind. The purpose of Chewy Spree eludes me, as that market is quite handily managed by Skittles.

edit again: I guess Skittles are a little on the sweet side compared to Spree, but to me Chewy Spree is like Spree with severe water damage.
What's your favorite candy?

Originally posted by racketboy@Apr 28, 2004 @ 01:56 PM

Personally, I'm not much for the fruity type of candy or hard candy in general.

I'll have it every now and then, but chocolate is my big thing.

I'm the opposite. I will eat chocolate now and again, but my real thing is tart and sour candy, like Sour Patch Kids gummy candy. Sometimes chocolate is just too rich for me.
What's your favorite candy?

I was surprised to learn that Tim Tams weren't known at all in other parts of the world. One of my favourates for sure. I also like sour worms.
What's your favorite candy?

DumDums are awesome.

Due to clearance halloween candy, I've taken a liking to the "fun-size" Smores hershey bars.