Where can I get a modded saturn from?

Anybody know of any online stores I can buy a nice new (or second hand) Saturn with a mod board and/or a 50/60Hz switch prefitted? Preferably located in the UK?

Anyone with any suggestions?
Its only a 1 wire mod, and that one wire is easy to do (compared to say the points on a PSX, DC or PS2).. Basically if you know how a soldering iron works, you can do it..

Only place I know of selling pre-modded units is playthegames.com and they are UNRELIABLE! AVOID THEM.. I'll shorten my usual rant and say that after not recieving the saturn mod I ordered, and being ignored on email and phone, I decided to drive to the 'retail location' (which is only about 20 minutes from where I live), and it DOESNT EXIST. The address is for some chinsey looking paintball supply shop. I went in and asked the guy about PTG.com and he played dumb (my guess is he or one of his friends runs the thing out of their basement, hence the craptastic web design).. Better Business Bureau cant help me because its not a real business. So all I can do is post this as often as I can to try and spread the word.
I'd recommend getting yourself a cheap model 2 Saturn, then sending it to Raven Games. They unfortunately will not fit a modchip, but they will do the country switch and 50/60Hz switch for around 40 pounds. As lancastoor says, the modchip is very easy to fit yourself. I think Lik-Sang still sell them.
Hmm, ok. Where would I get a cheapy Saturn from? There are no retailers in the south-west (uk) that sell any saturns, so, I'll most likely have to order online. I would try Ebay, but, I dont really trust anyone on there.

By the way, how hard is it to modify a saturn with a 50/60Hz switch?

(Edited by Flakvin at 5:54 pm on Mar. 25, 2002)
50/60Hz mod is easy on some Saturns, much trickier on others. Have a look at:


On some boards I've seen, there's no option other than to lift pin 79 of the 160 pin chip and solder the switch wire directly to that.

Tony's site also has country switch details, by the way.

Both types of switch are more difficult to fit than a mod chip - you have to take more of your Saturn apart, solder more wires, and drill holes in the case to fit the switches.

Any time you open up your Saturn there's a chance you'll fuck it up. Static electricity is nasty stuff.
Ok, enough of the 50/60Hz switch.... can anyone link me to any online shops that stock UK Sega Saturns?

Please, I'm desperate now... My old one is totally f**ked.
*raises hand*

Erm, I guess my first attempt would qualify as 'fucked over'. I dropped some solder on one of the memory chips (I was using a massive soldering irom, ok?). It's fine...as long as the game in question is only 3D. Any 2D 'ghosts' all over the screen.

The 'Mk. II' is now fully modded and re-assembled (with my new pen-tip iron), and was still a bargain, really - £20 for a new Saturn beats £40 for someone else to do it hands down:)