who here is a member of segafans?

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Ban Hammered
whoever here is a member of the segafans forums, tell chackan that muscelli1990 said "If u unban me, ill give u A pic of my collection for th collections section"
Me and Kanon were really good friends of Chakan's. Then he just dropped off the face of the earth. We have no idea what happened to him.

Just about all of the media Sega Fans has I gave him.
i liked every bit of making fun of the people on there, and if i ever get the chance to come back there, i would really appreciating making all of their lives miserable, u see...... they suck. they had so many rules, and once i saw this newb and i said newbie! to him, and then this loser was like, ur lucky u didnt ge banned, and i was like, shutup, u guys dont have a life outside of sega, and then my bro made this huge flaming war with the mods, so i got kicked off 4ever............................................................... this place is tons better
haha Mal, you'll have to use that "banned dickface". and muffinman, why dont u just make a new name under a new e-mail addy and then post away? they ban your IP or sumthing?
Originally posted by muffinman943@Dec 29, 2003 @ 07:55 PM

yeah, they banned my ip,

I take it you don't know how to use proxies then?

Mighty handy for a situation like this... not quite sure of the legality though. (Though I imagine you don't really mind)
We simply used a little bit of e-RAID to get rid of a pest. 😎

He violated the rules we have against explicit piracy discussion a number of times, never put forth any effort what-so-ever to make half-way readable posts, and was just an annoying dick in general.

So a member of my administrative staff banned him. Just like I would have.

Please don't encourage this simple-minded, troll-like dickface to use circumventive methods to get around my forum's protection against his kind.

Jim: I just added you to my ICQ list. Be wary, I'm waiting for you to come online! 🙂

Thanks in advance,


Oh yeah, and muffin: Make another account or do whatever you like if you ever figure out a way around it. My staff and myself view our forums many, many times during the day and night. We'll just ban you every single time you violate our rules or pollute our forums with your filth.

It takes relatively no effort for us to do so. What would you even gain by posting anything at all?
umm, i dont really feel defeated of guilty, sorry dude, but i really couldnt care less. at least here, iceman or mal wouldnt make a huge post like u did explaining what i did wrong, and to make me feel sorry for what i did, well guess what?! I dont really give a shit about what u think, ok, and all everyone posted was gayass pics of men, i mean, an admin on ur boards, icepak, i think posted a pic of a man sticking his dick up the exhaust pipe of a car ...... why wouldnt i start a flame war aginst him? he shows me pics of the shit he likes, when im least expecting it. Why didnt u do anything about it, yet ban me for saying something "inconsiderate" to a newb. at least i can talk about ftps here and not get warned
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