Who wants to help me make a boot disc?

I was wondering if anyone would like to try help me make a boot disc for the Saturn. I was thinking of making if sort of like the swap disc trick but the disc it self stops the motor so it doesn't ruin it. So whos with me?
Originally posted by Berty@Jul 20, 2004 @ 02:32 AM

I believe that you are refering to the Super Strong Card 2.0?

It only slows the disc speed down it doesnt stop it. Makes the disc spin a 1x insted of 2x so its easier to swap.
I said "this sort of thing", and that's close enough. It's a lot safer too. Of course you could just chip the friggin thing, you can't get it to run any boot disc without one anyway. Which is what I was getting at with my FIRST post in this thread, I assumed someone else would point it out in detail, but whatever...