Translating Black/Matrix

Recently in the SegaXtreme discord I've been talking with people about the possibility of getting this game translated, and despite this being the first time I've tried to do anything of the sort, I'm going to attempt to go through with it. I'm mainly making this thread as to better document this game and to post updates when I eventually have them. As of now there's not much of anything to show on my part, however, I'm hoping that will change in the future. So far I've had major help (mainly from Knight0fDragon and Megaflan) when it comes to understanding how to go about this and how to approach this project, any additional help is greatly appreciated and as I've already said, updates will be posted as they're made. If anyone happens to be interested in helping please let me know, as I've said I'm new to this but I'm dedicated and I'm determined to get it done.

Notes from the conversation on discord. Too long to post on the forum.
I used your notes as a basis to explain some stuff to Alys via PM and they have a place to start now. This doc of yours was a huge help too:
Black Matrix Sector notes

With the font I think anywhere theres that round icon, you skip, like this:
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Hello, by accident I saw that you decided to translate the Black Matrix game when I decided to look if anyone wanted to translate the game. I am writing just to let you know that someone translated the main story of the game (they only translated it and put the translated text as subtitles on Youtube, the rom of the game as such does not have a translation of the menu or the story) and I thought that the document could be useful to you.

Could you also give me a link to the Discord channel where you are carrying out the translation? I would like to be aware of the progress if you created a specific channel for that


Hello, by accident I saw that you decided to translate the Black Matrix game when I decided to look if anyone wanted to translate the game. I am writing just to let you know that someone translated the main story of the game (they only translated it and put the translated text as subtitles on Youtube, the rom of the game as such does not have a translation of the menu or the story) and I thought that the document could be useful to you.

Could you also give me a link to the Discord channel where you are carrying out the translation? I would like to be aware of the progress if you created a specific channel for that
yes, i have seen this. as of now i'm using it as the main basis for the project until i have more progress and can hopefully get some help from others more proficient in japanese than myself. i've gotten permission from the original uploader on youtube to use his work although he said he won't be translating the rest of the game, which is fair.

I dont have a specific discord for this as i have been unable to make much progress,things in my personal life suddenly got a bit busy, the discord that was referred to earlier was the translation patches channel in the segaxtreme discord, i believe the link to which is posted somewhere on this site.

things seem to be clearing up in my life and im making an effort to actually get this underway - as i have stated here before im very inexperienced but im determined and will do my best to at least push this forward as much as i can, this game deserves to be played by more people.

ill post updates when they happen, hopefully sooner rather than later.
I used your notes as a basis to explain some stuff to Alys via PM and they have a place to start now. This doc of yours was a huge help too:
Black Matrix Sector notes

With the font I think anywhere theres that round icon, you skip, like this:
I just realized I massively fucked up the hex counting in that picture, sorry
should be 9 A B C D E F 10 11 etc

Alright, I've been having some issues lately and in order to stay organized I decided to create a document to go over what I know, what I don't know, and what I need to work on regarding this. I'll be keeping this updated as I work on the project while posting to the thread to go over new developments. I made sure to link my resources in order to keep all of this information in one place.