Last night I shut off the monitor and left the PC on all night long. Today when I turned the monitor on and moved the mouse nothing came up. So without any other option I just shut the PC off and turned it back on. It was on for awhile trying to load windows then it shut off again. Then I turned it back on again and a message came up saying to back up the hard drive because failure was imminent with a timer. The time expired and then the PC proceeded to try to load windows and it took like 5 - 10 minutes and then it loaded fine. If I restart the computer everything works and loads fast as if nothing ever happened now..
The computer shut off one time before when I right clicked in someones profile in aim and occassionally it does take a really long time to load windows, but then everyhting is fine.
What are these symptoms of?
Im thinking something with the power supply. I have 2.4ghz pentium 4, 1 hardrive, 2 DVD drives and one agp 4x video card. So i think the 350 watt supply should easily be enough..
Could also be maybe be a memory module going bad? Im not really sure where to start looking for what hardware to point my finger at.
The computer shut off one time before when I right clicked in someones profile in aim and occassionally it does take a really long time to load windows, but then everyhting is fine.
What are these symptoms of?
Im thinking something with the power supply. I have 2.4ghz pentium 4, 1 hardrive, 2 DVD drives and one agp 4x video card. So i think the 350 watt supply should easily be enough..
Could also be maybe be a memory module going bad? Im not really sure where to start looking for what hardware to point my finger at.