Winamp 5 beta


Staff member
Has anyone else tried it yet? I'm not sure if I like it or not, I like the new playlist managment quite a bit. I have lots of music and thats an important thing to me. 😉 What are your opinions of it?
hmmm never heard of it til now.

I love 2, but I don't want bloatware like 3.

I'm curious to hear some other opinions before installing
It's alright, very similar to 2x. A little more memory and cpu usage than 2x. Other than the fancy new modern skin, I can't justify leaving 2x yet though... but that's because I'm running a 700mhz duron.

I haven't tried the databasing/library features, I don't care for it, I just open my folder of 7000+ files onto the playlist.

It's better than itunes for windows, that's for sure.
I also have um, quite a bit of MP3's. But in any case, I have them catergorized so the Library and Playlist functions are pretty important to me. It's not as bloated as Winamp3 but it does take a little more memory then 2, but the added functionality that I use is greatly appreciated. So far, I approve of Winamp 5.
Dont know yet, tell you tomorrow. I've only played with it for about 30 min so far. 😛
Originally posted by racketboy@Oct 17, 2003 @ 01:56 AM

how stable is it? considering it's a "prealpha"

Within 10 minutes of playing with it, an error occured. But none since. I downloaded it a few hours ago.

Edit: HAHA just noticed you can stretch the window. You can have it docked all the way across the bottom/top of your screen in windowshade mode. This might be a clincher for me.