Windows explorer is slooow

Originally posted by Tindo@heart@May 15, 2003 @ 07:02 PM

I've been connected 138 hours and 24 minutes, but this lightening storm is freakin' me out. I'm shuttin' donw and unplugging for now.

Good plan. My old PC had a fried 2400 modem (this was back in linke 94) and the whole PC was messed up for 2 days until all the static finally discharged from it through the power cord I had left plugged in. Stupid lightning storms.
Originally posted by gameboy900@May 15, 2003 @ 08:52 PM

Good plan. My old PC had a fried 2400 modem (this was back in linke 94) and the whole PC was messed up for 2 days until all the static finally discharged from it through the power cord I had left plugged in. Stupid lightning storms.

I had a similar experience. A lightning storm blew out my 14.4k modem and seized the phone line. I was on the phone with someone at the time and couldn't hang up! I'd click the phone, wait 30 seconds, pick it up, and he was still there. Very weird. I always shut down during power storms now. If for no other reason than to prevent rebooting in case the power flickers.