Would you pay $1,225 to complete your 32x collecti

I have the rom.(kidding)

I poop on the 32x.

Also I dont have anything to play a 32x on when I sold it and my cdx.

So my answer also would be no.

Whats the most anybody heres paid for a game?

I bought a couple neo-geo games new for $200+

and recently I bought Jb Harold Blue Chicago Blue for the Mega LD for $180
There have only been like 2 games I've paid over $59 for, and they were dragon's lair, the day it came out on sega cd, for $79, and lunar 2: eternal blue, which I got for around $75 if I remember correctly. Of course, dragon's lair didn't hold its value very long, but I don't regret buying lunar 2.. it's a great game.
I think I paid a little over $50 for Mortal Kombat Mythologies Sub-Zero brand new when I first got my Playstation. That's the most I've ever paid for a game. Today, I buy almost all my games used, and the few new ones I buy are less than $20. As for a used game, I paid $40 for a boxed copy of ChronoTrigger (SNES original, not the PSX remake) a few years ago.

I'm a cheap gamer. I'll gladly buy a stack of lousy games for dirt cheap before paying big bucks for one good game. My most recent purchase included Catwoman (for $2.40) and Freestyle Street Soccer (for $1.20). Granted, I did also buy Fable at the same time (for $10.20), but I could have shelled out $30 for the newer, longer version instead.
I paid around 130 for Panorama Cotton complete, and about 60 for a cartridge-only Eliminate Down. That's the only times I paid over 50 for used stuff.

I might have paid 60$ for some Genesis/32x games when they were new at one point. Well, I didn't, but my parents might have when I got some for christmas/b-day.
I spent a fair bit to buy PDS and even more to buy my Indy 500 arcade board, but that's a little different. 😉